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Recruiter reveals the ‘red flags’ employers spot when people apply for jobs

Recruiter reveals the ‘red flags’ employers spot when people apply for jobs

TikToker and recruiter Clio spilled the beans on job candidates, but lots of people actually disagreed with her

Anyone who has ever applied for a job - hopefully that's all of us by now - will know all about the trials and tribulations of sorting your application out.

From drafting up CVs to the lengthy interview process - it's never simple.

So, to help provide a little insight, a recruiter have revealed the major 'red flags' employers spot when people apply for jobs.

Writing a CV is always a bit of a pain. (Kerkez / Getty Images)
Writing a CV is always a bit of a pain. (Kerkez / Getty Images)

Many of us will spend hours agonising over our CV to make sure it's up to date and sounds as professional as it can be.

Even then, some of us are left with empty inboxes for weeks wondering what we did wrong.

Well, if you are struggling to get those all-important job interviews, it may be because of certain 'red flags' a job recruiter has spotted.

Career expert Clio, from the US, took to TikTok to explain what she looks for before offering someone an interview, adding that she can tell if an employee will stay at the company long-term.

Clio started off the video by explaining that she is a recruiter for a tech company and also coaches candidates during the interview process - so she certainly knows a fair bit about getting a job.

She went on to explain that your CV is going to be 'make or break', before explaining that on average, recruiters look at CVs for less than ten seconds.

Clio explained: "The main things we need to see for us to look at it longer [are] clear job titles, the length for each of those roles, last but not least the consistency in your career.

A recruiter has explained exactly what you need to do to have a gleaming resume. (Xavier Lorenzo / Getty Stock Images)
A recruiter has explained exactly what you need to do to have a gleaming resume. (Xavier Lorenzo / Getty Stock Images)

"If you have let's say 4-5 roles on there and each of them didn't last longer than a year, I'm sorry to tell you this but it's a red flag."

The TikToker went on to explain this doesn't apply to contractors who freelance for a living. For anyone else, Clio explained it's 'not a good look' if you are applying for a full-time position.

In another video, Clio said it only takes two minutes to be able to tell whether a potential candidate will be hired or not.

She also explained that the way in which you answer the common 'tell me about yourself question' says a lot.

"I talk to many candidates and surprisingly this question is the easier to answer yet many people don't know how to answer it," she said in a third video shared earlier this year.

"Almost immediately we can tell by the way you answer that question if you're going to be direct and concise with all the other questions we ask.

"We'll know if you took the time to read the job description because of the relevant things you bring up, and if you read on the company or the people you're talking with."

Thank us later. (Getty Stock Images)
Thank us later. (Getty Stock Images)

Many people have since flocked to the comment section, with a fair few actually disagreeing that previous jobs should impact your ability to get another one in the future.

"There are these things called temporary jobs which generally last about 6 months. Doesn’t mean you’re a bad employee..." one person wrote.

A second added: "Good recruiters knows how to see beyond resume. A job hopper doesn’t always mean a red flag."

Meanwhile, a third penned: "My thoughts are otherwise. Employees should look to jump if the company doesn't pay well."

And a fourth remarked: "What if those 4-5 roles are all promotions? Someone not in the field may not know that."

Tying into that last comment, Clio touched on 'green flags' in another video uploaded to her TikTok.

She explained that highlighting career progress, consistency and commitment is key to impressing employers.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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