Martin Lewis has revealed a 'secret' way Brits can get into Costco without paying for a membership.
Now, I'm sure many of us know all too well about the whole Costco hype given that their entire business model revolves around bulk buying, which gives customers a pretty decent bargain deal each time they shop there.
However, you can't simply rock up to your local Costco and nab a month-long supply of eggs or 30-pack of cookies for the price of peanuts as you would a Tesco or Sainos, as any customer needs a membership in order to peruse the products.

There are 29 Costco warehouses scattered around the UK, with memberships starting from £26.40 a year for business owners.
Not everyone can get a membership though, as only certain professions, including local government, banking, medicine, education or the police can apply for in-store membership.
You can sign up for a membership from £33.60 a year if you’re a current or retired employee in these sectors on Costco’s list:
- Airlines
- Armed Forces
- Banking/finance
- Civil service
- Education
- Fire/rescue service
- Insurance
- Local government
- Medical/health
- Police
- Post Office
Alongside those above job roles, proof of a qualification in these professions can also give you access to the £33.60 annual membership:
- Accountant
- Chartered architect
- Chartered or civil engineer
- Chartered surveyor
- Medical doctor/dentist/optician/pharmacist
- Solicitor/barrister/magistrate/advocate

But don't worry if you're not in one of the aforementioned professions, as the Money Saving Expert himself revealed a 'little-known' avenue that could get you a highly sought-after membership in no time.
In the latest edition of his weekly newsletter, Lewis kindly shared the 'secret' way of joining the club.
MSE explained that AA, RAC and National Trust members are all reportedly eligible to join Costco at certain locations.
Now, according to Lewis, Costco doesn’t advertise these memberships, hence why MSE's financial gurus called up all 29 Costco's in the UK to check if the rumours were in fact true, and they found that while it wasn't a countrywide option, they were informed it worked at the Birmingham, Sheffield and Cardiff locations.
Oh yeah, and another heads up, you can only shop at the Costco location you joined at so be sure to do your research before you sign up.
MSE's official website also advised any customers to bring a shopping list with them to ensure they don't impulse-buy.
"We always say taking a shopping list, but at Costco, this really is the number one rule - or you'll pop in for bog roll and come out with a canoe, a 6ft teddy bear and a crate of 30 Danish pastries," the financial gurus write.
"The stores don't tend to have signage, so you need the willpower of Lionel Messi not to get sidetracked."
Topics: Martin Lewis, Celebrity, Money, Life Hacks, Hacks, Life, Advice, Shopping