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Passengers on sex cruise have secret signal to communicate with each other

Passengers on sex cruise have secret signal to communicate with each other

There's one sign to look out for on the Killing Kittens cruise

Passengers on a 'sex lifestyle cruise' have a secret symbol to communicate with each other.

The Killing Kittens cruise promises adventure during the day and the chance to 'indulge in your wild side' at night.

Somewhat different to your usual cruise, the Killing Kittens experience is one of a few different 'spicy' cruises open to travellers looking for an adult-only experience.

While cruises in general are becoming increasingly popular among all kinds of different holidaymakers, spicy cruises are generally aimed at couples hoping to meet other couples.

The KK cruise is 'designed to cater to adult fantasies and desires' promising an 'exploration of sensual pleasures, personal boundaries and mutual respect'.

So, what can you expect from the cruise?

The daytime is all about 'relaxation and exploration' with workshops and seminars about the likes of tantra, massage and importantly, consent.

Meanwhile, in the evening, passengers can experience the 'real magic of the sex lifestyle cruise'.

The Killing Kittens cruise promises the chance to 'indulge in your wild side'. (Getty Stock Photo)
The Killing Kittens cruise promises the chance to 'indulge in your wild side'. (Getty Stock Photo)

"From masquerade balls to erotic costume parties, each evening offers a unique theme that encourages guests to explore their wildest fantasies in a safe, consensual space," organisers explain.

While not everyone on the cruise will be there for the exact same experience, KK explains that red wristbands can be worn to indicate 'openness'.

"Red wristbands or similar indicators are often used to communicate one’s openness to conversation, ensuring that boundaries are always honoured," they explain.

"This environment fosters a sense of community and safety, allowing guests to explore their desires without fear of judgment."

Organisers explain that for those seeking a more intimate experience, there's also private playrooms and couples' retreats.

"Whether you're exploring with a partner or connecting with someone new, these spaces ensure privacy and comfort," they explain.

KK explains that red wristbands can be worn to indicate 'openness'. (KK Cruise)
KK explains that red wristbands can be worn to indicate 'openness'. (KK Cruise)

As well as a red wristband, it's also recommended that passengers read up on the packing list for the KK cruise.

This includes items such as toiletries, condoms and sex toys.

Organisers also recommend bringing a journal to reflect on experiences.

"With so many new experiences and emotions, having a journal or diary to document your journey can be invaluable. It's a private space to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and discoveries," they wrote in a blog post.

"Preparing for your sex cruise adventure with these essentials will help ensure you have an enjoyable, safe, and unforgettable journey.

"Remember, the most important thing to bring is an open heart and mind, ready to explore the depths of your desires and connect with others in a respectful and empowering environment. Bon voyage!"

Featured Image Credit: KK Cruise

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Travel