A sleep expert has issued a warning not to sleep with a fan on at night for one key reason.
Everyone in the UK at the moment can agree that summer seems to have well and truly arrived - and it’s about time!
The barbeques are fired up, which is more than can be said for England in the Euros - and the sun has finally made a much-anticipated appearance.
That being said, going to sleep after a day in the sun can sometimes be an impossible task, given that the UK rarely has aircon systems installed in houses - is understandable.
But a sleep expert has warned that a common alternative could be putting you at risk.

If you’re the kind of person who reaches for the nearest fan when the temperature reaches an unbearable level in your room, you might want to think again.
Or adopt the ‘one leg out of the duvet’ approach.
According to Sleep Advisor, it’s okay to have a fan blaring during the day, but it can be more problematic if you take the same approach at night time.
The sleep experts said: “If the dryness is particularly extreme, it can result in your body producing excess mucus to try to compensate.
"Then, you’re more susceptible to blockage, stuffiness, and sinus headaches.”
As well as sinus issues, additional fan use really irritates dry skin.
But there are more, less obvious, complications that can arise.
Cool air can make your body tense up, resulting in sore muscles when you wake up in the morning.

However, this is certainly on the more extreme end of things.
And there are actually some positives to sleeping with a fan on, too.
It reportedly helps to circulate stale air and regulate body temperature.
Another helpful benefit is drowning out noise from outside, if you live in a busy area.
The Sleep Advisor did note, however, that those who struggle with hay fever should be particularly wary of sleeping with a fan on.
They said: “Sometimes the equipment also gets excess buildup of pollen and particles that are impossible to remove.
“If that’s the case, consider an upgrade.
"Or, if it’s causing issues by drying out your skin and insides, maybe you need something that rotates instead of one that blows directly on you all night.”
Whilst keeping a fan on during the night isn’t going to kill you, it might be handy to keep these things in mind.
Topics: Summer, Life Hacks, Weather