It can be quite tempting to brush off or dismiss a prophesy made by someone claiming to be a psychic.
After all, aren't their predictions always super wishy-washy, and can often be applied to anything?
Well, what if two supposed mystics - born five centuries apart - made the exact same prophesy about what 2025 has in store for the human race?
I bet you'd hear them out then.
Such is the case with Nostadamus and Baba Vanga - two alleged prophets, born 470 years apart, who spent their lives seeing into the future and jotting down what they understood to be the fate of mankind.
Nostradamus was a French-born 16th century seer who, prior to his death in 1566, penned a collection of 94 poetic statements, all of which predicted future events.
Whilst he was alive, he accurately predicted that close friend King Henry II would die at just 40 years old, writing that he'd be 'overcome' by a 'young lion', who'd 'piece his eyes through a golden cage'.
The King died weeks later during a joust with a young soldier, whose lance broke and shattered into pieces, causing splinters of wood to go into his eye and skull.
Nostradamus also predicted Hitler's 1930s rise to power, the assassination of JFK, 9/11 and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Bulgarian-born Baba Vanga, meanwhile, accurately predicted that a series of extreme weather events would take place in 2022 and that former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi would be assassinated, prior to her death in 1996.
Like Nostradamus, however, Baba Vanga's predictions also outlasted her lifespan, and whilst alive, both of their predictions for the human race ventured way off into the future - including into 2025.
With that in mind, some historians have recently discovered that both mystics actually made almost identical prophesies for one event, reportedly due to take place next year.
And apparently, it's not great news for the UK, who are estimated to become embroiled in a conflict due to take place in Europe next year.
Baba Vanga predicted that a war in 2025 would 'devastate' a huge proportion of Europe, adding that 'Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world'.
She also predicted that the battle would result in earthquakes striking around the world, with some landing west coast of the US.
When it comes to Nostradamus' estimation, he wrote that the next 12 months would see the 'lands of Europe' break out into 'cruel wars' and create 'foes from within and without'.
In his work, 'Les Prophéties', he added that Britain would be left in ruin after conflict following a 2025 conflict, which would be closely followed by a plague.
"A great pestilence from the past returns, no enemy more deadly under the skies," he eerie penned.
So, hold onto your hats, Brits. 2025 is going to be a heavy one.
Topics: Baba Vanga, Nostradamus, World News, News, Life, Real Life, True Life