When it comes to parenting, sharing is caring. Equally, distributing the responsibilities between both parents is the best way to keep things fair - and to avoid any fights.
But one dad has caused some online controversy after explaining how things go down in his household.
The dad, known only as 'Andy', recently took to Reddit's Am I The A**hole forum to explain his parenting situation in more detail.
He wrote: "My wife [31F] and I [33M] have a 3-year-old boy. He currently goes to daycare during the day.
"I generally drop him off, and then my wife's mother will pick him up. My wife cannot drive so she unfortunately cannot take him."
Andy went on: "I have found that if I get my son out the door by 8:45, I can get him to daycare and then be on time for work.
"Unfortunately, my wife tends to drag her feet with getting him fed and ready, so she has caused me to be late multiple times.

"I am in a field where I simply cannot be late, and therefore this situation is unacceptable.
"I have been late four times since he started going to daycare, and my wife has only gotten less consistent."
This was when Andy realised he had to take a stand.
"Last Wednesday, I realised that if I waited for my wife to get him fully ready, I’d be late to work. I simply walked out the door.
"She called me screaming angrily, but I told her that if she didn’t want him to stay home, she should have had him ready on time."
Since then, things have gotten worse.
"The next day she managed to get him out right at 8:45, but on Friday it became clear again that she was going to cause me to be late.
"I just walked out the door. She texted me multiple times, and when I got home at around 11pm, she had a lot to say about it"

Andy took to the forum to ask Redditors whether or not he was in the wrong, and people had a lot to say about it.
"Why is your son in daycare, which you cannot afford, and your wife not working? What does she do all day while your son is at daycare?" someone asked.
Another added: "I feel like there are bigger issues here that if dealt with you would not have this issue."
While a third wrote: "I was all prepared to call OP the a**hole for expecting his wife to get their kid ready when that should be a shared responsibility," someone else commented.
"But knowing that she doesn't go to work - well that's just bizarre."
Where do you stand in the debate?
Topics: Parenting, Reddit, Sex and Relationships