Every parent has their own way of raising their little ones, especially when it comes to what they're allowed to watch on telly.
However, it seems one mum's strong opinions on one popular kids show in particular has sparked a heated debate online with parents.
The mum took to Facebook to share her scathing review of Peppa Pig and revealed exactly why she banned her children from watching.

She titled her rant: "Why We Don’t Watch Peppa Pig (and other popular shows)."
The woman began: "I told you all I was disappointed in Netflix for featuring Peppa Pig, reminding my kids that she exists.
"Lots of you asked why I don’t let my children watch it. Here’s what I’ve got against Peppa, amongst other popular children’s TV shows..."
Getting straight into it, the mum slammed: "Peppa Pig is rude. There’s no two ways about it. She has a big attitude problem and I don’t like the way she speaks to her family and friends.
"I cringe at her tone and the things she says."
She went on to point out that 'children are impressionable' and copy 'what they see and hear', before adding: "I know that when they’re consciously copying something they’ve heard, then subconsciously their young sponge-like minds have taken in MUCH more."

And it's not just the protagonist who got blasted as the mum also hit out against the other characters in the cartoon.
"Aside from her wrong attitude, the characters in the show are caricatures: a perceptively unintelligent mother and a useless father (who gets picked on for his size)," she went on.
"I don’t think it’s acceptable to display this to my children who use characters on the TV as role models."
The mum concluded her rant claiming: "Peppa Pig is deceptive - it is not as 'lightweight' as you might think. These underlying poor values are soaked up by young children."
Unsurprisingly, people couldn't wait to share their reactions to the mum's condemnation of the show.

Many sided with her, with one Facebook user writing: "Yes! Can't stand Peppa Pig. We have stayed away from her."
"Down with Peppa Pig!" quipped a second while a third chimed in: "Peppa is banned in my house too!"
Another supporter praised: "Thank you for saying this! There are so few children’s shows that don’t showcase characters being rude and straight up mean! It’s wild!"
Others, however, couldn't have disagreed with the mum's anti-Peppa tirade more, with one revealing: "My kiddo loves Peppa Pig, I personally don’t see anything wrong with it.
"Peppa is a bit sassy sure, but I’ve seen far more positive influences from him watching it than negative."
A second piped up: "I was obsessed with Peppa Pig and I’m so polite as an adult - let kids enjoy things!"
"This post is very stupid," declared a final Facebook user. "Nothing about Peppa Pig is rude. She, her family and friends are very polite and intelligent which makes it very educational.
"It also models positive social behaviour such as sharing, taking turns, being kind to others, and language development."
Where do you stand on the Peppa Pig debate?
Topics: Parenting, TV And Film, Real Life