Kids are well-known for getting little cuts and grazes here and there.
However, things get a whole lot more serious when head injuries are involved.
So, to help clear some things up, one former paramedic has explained one thing to look out for if your child has bumped their head.
Nikki Jurcutz, who worked with Ambulance Victoria for eight years, has opened up about the situation every parent fears and has outlined the exactly why you want your little one to burst into tears after knocking their noggin and why you should seek immediate medical attention if they don't.
"Sometimes it can be hard to tell with little ones, but one sign that should bring you relief after a head bump is the cry that follows it," the mum said per 7news.
She continued: "I know it might sound a little weird to be wanting your child to cry — but if they don’t cry immediately after the head bump (when you would expect them to) this could be a sign of loss of consciousness."
Nikki, who is also the founder of the Australian children’s safety page called Tiny Hearts Education, added: "After a head bump, you should be watching your child to see if they show any signs of a severe head injury.
"This is because a child with a severe head injury should be brought into the hospital for assessment to rule out something more serious."

The professional explains that even if your little one loses consciousness for a fleeting moment, the situation must be treated extremely seriously.
"Bring your child to a hospital for review if they have any loss of consciousness after a head bump," she added.
NHS inform states: "If your child experiences a knock, bump or blow to the head, sit them down, comfort them, and make sure they rest.
"You can hold a cold compress to their head – try a bag of ice or frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel."
The official website urges: "If your child’s symptoms get significantly worse, take them straight to the accident and emergency (A&E) department of your nearest hospital or call 999 for an ambulance."
Signs of a brain injury after a head injury include; unconsciousness – either brief (concussion) or for a longer period of time, fits or seizures, problems with the senses – such as hearing loss or double vision, repeated vomiting, blood or clear fluid coming from the ears or nose and memory loss (amnesia).