What could be better than a little bundle of joy on Christmas Day?
While giving birth is one of the hardest things you could do, for many it’s a beautiful thing.
But there are certain days of the year where the birth rate is slightly lower, and Christmas is one of them.
I mean, can you think of anyone with their birthday on Christmas? I didn’t think so.
However, one woman has welcomed a set of miracle twins after going into labour almost four weeks early.
But the most amazing part is that the twins were technically born on two different days, as one arrived on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day.
Adeeqa Parveen Ali, from Livingston in Scotland, made the dash to St John’s Hospital on Christmas Eve along with her partner Faisal Imran.
The 31-year-old was just moments away from welcoming their two little bundles into the world during the holidays.

Now, it’s not often that people give birth to twins, but twins on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
It seems like a festive miracle!
But unlike most twins, these little babies were born an hour apart at a pivotal time on the clock which means that whilst being born together, they don’t share the same birthdays.
The Mirror reported that this is because the baby boy - named Jami - was born at 11.44pm on Christmas Eve, weighing 5lb 8oz, and his sister - named Rumi - was born an important hour later at 12.27am on Christmas Day, weighing 4lb 2oz.
Thankfully, staff have confirmed that the family are likely to be back home after resting for a few days in the hospital and should make it back to their comforts in time to welcome the New Year as a family.
But they weren’t the only Christmassy babies to be born, as Rumi was beaten to the punch to becoming the first Christmas Day baby born in Scotland by Eliza Shearer in Aberdeen.

The parents of Eliza, Maja Shearer and her husband Jason, were rushed to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on Christmas Eve, leaving their family at home to celebrate in their absence.
Mr Shearer went on to explain: “Maja's Polish, so we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and British Christmas on Christmas Day, and Maja's folks are over just now so they had to host without us last night because we're here, and they'll probably get a nice Christmas dinner again today.”
But Eliza was also nearly born on Christmas Eve too as Mr Shearer admitted that it was 'touch and go' whether she would be born before or after midnight.
Thankfully, she was born on Christmas Day and now holds the crown for the first baby to be born on that day in Scotland.
How cute!