A divorce lawyer has revealed that there could be clues about infidelity thanks to your partner's profession.
While some experts have been able to pinpoint exactly when cheating will happen, now a divorce lawyer has revealed from their 15 years of experience who is likely to cheat or not.
It turns out that some professions are more likely than others - and it might not be who you think.
There can also be red flag 'tell-tale signs' that your partner isn't being faithful, and divorce attorney Kate Simonds has revealed what these look like - and how to spot them early on.

The professions most likely to cheat
Kate, from Phoenix, Arizona, US, said: "Infidelity is the worst thing that can happen to a marriage. In my opinion, people don't get divorced because of the cheating, but all the problems around infidelity and the issues it brings."
Kate believes the most likely profession to cheat on their partner is public service workers which includes cops, firefighters, and people working in the military.
She explained: "Cops and firefighters are the most likely to cheat, and that is pretty well settled.
"Everyone knows what is going on in the cop shop. They are in contact with other people a lot of the time, and they have a stereotypical personality type.
"You need a big ego to be able to do that job, and women are attracted to the uniform – it is the perfect storm."

The professions least likely to cheat
Kate also revealed the job roles of those most likely to stay faithful to their partner and believes they are accountants and farmers. She says their less likely inclination for cheating is due to their personality types and more isolated career choice.
Kate suggests people in occupations where people are more likely to stay faithful to their spouse include those who work in farming, accountants, and pharmacists.
Explaining her theory, Kate said: "I think accountants are more reserved, stereotypical accountants are very black-and-white people – I think it is their personality.
"Farmers are definitely in the non-cheating column, it may be in part because of how much they work, it would be nice to assume that it comes from their personality type. They are very trustworthy and family-oriented.
"Nobody I know of has ever divorced a farmer, or a pharmacist for that matter."

The red flags that your partner is cheating
It's never nice to be cheated on, but Kate reasons that it's more about them than you. She explained: "My strong opinion is that cheating has more to do with the person who is cheating than the person who has been cheated on.
"The number one signal that you are being cheated on is a reduction in communication where the person seems self-isolated."
She added: "Another sign is when someone starts self-improvement that does not involve their partner.
"I feel like the other person is unhappy with themselves in some way, they are looking to change but not wanting to change with their partner. Cheating stems from their unhappiness."
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