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Women in agreement over one question men should ‘never ask’

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Women in agreement over one question men should ‘never ask’

They took to Reddit to discuss the question that men should 'never ask'

Women have all agreed on the one question a man should 'never ask' them, and men claim the rule has 'saved' them on many occasions.

When you think of a list of things that men should just never bring up to a woman, it feels kind of endless.

We have a hard time, from periods to childbirth and everything in-between, it's not a rare occasion to look at the males in your life green with envy.

And while there have always been some unwritten rules for men to follow, such as never looking inside our handbags, women recently took to Reddit to agree on what they should 'never' be asked.

Women are all in agreement over the question. (Getty Stock Image)
Women are all in agreement over the question. (Getty Stock Image)

There were a couple that were found to be quite popular, as it seems as though it isn't uncommon for women to get asked inappropriate questions.

An obvious question that seemed to outrage women everywhere was asking whether they were on their period.

One man recalled learning his lesson while growing up, and said: "Growing up as the only boy in a household full of girls headed by my no-nonsense mom in the 70s taught me that was not a joking matter.

"I was probably 10 or 11 and had just learned what periods were.

"My buddies and I were full of our new found knowledge and had decided that any time a girl in our class was upset or angry she was 'on her period.'

"We mostly kept this information to ourselves and didn't dare share it with the girls because THEY would tell the teachers."

But most of the women agreed there was an even worse question that can be voiced.

Men are being warned. (Getty Stock Image/Marsell Gorska Gautier)
Men are being warned. (Getty Stock Image/Marsell Gorska Gautier)

That being - are you pregnant?

Which has to be one of the worst feelings if you're not in any way, shape or form, carrying a child.

One user wrote: "My mother taught us, in no uncertain terms, that no woman is pregnant until she tells you that she is pregnant."

One guy tried navigating the tricky question while trying to do his job.

He said: "When I worked at Disney World, one of our responsibilities when working at a roller coaster was to keep pregnant women from boarding.

"So whenever I saw a guest that I thought might be pregnant coming down the line, I starting asking everyone, 'are you pregnant?'

"Men, elderly women, teenage boys (those were the best!), I mean everyone. "That way, when I got to the woman whom I suspected might be pregnant, she would not have to feel singled out.

"If she wasn't pregnant, this was all just schtick to make guests laugh.

"If she was, well, then she had a heads-up."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Life, Pregnancy, Real Life, Reddit