A woman has been left heartbroken and worried about her family after her boyfriend announced when she was pregnant that he didn't want to be with her any more.
As if carrying a child wasn't already an emotional rollercoaster, this particular mum-to-be had to deal with her boyfriend of nearly four years leaving her when she was already six months through her pregnancy.

In a post on Reddit, the 30-year-old woman, from Nakuru, Kenya, explained that she and her partner had been together for three and a half years, during which time she'd stayed living with her mum.
Thanks to her small baby bump and oversized clothes, the woman had kept her pregnancy hidden from her mum for the first few months because the mum didn't know she was in a relationship.
Though the couple had already been together for years before they got pregnant, the woman had the rug pulled out from under her when, all of a sudden, her boyfriend 'dropped a bombshell' and announced he was 'not ready to be committed'.
He said he'd still help to take care of the child, but his announcement left the woman terrified of the 'disappointment' her mother would feel.
"It was not my wish to raise a baby as a single parent," she said.
Now the woman has been left wondering what she should do, and questioning why her boyfriend didn't speak up earlier in the pregnancy.
"I am wondering if it's wise for me to go [and] confront his parents and let them know what's happening or what do I do...
"The [problem] is both their parents and my mum are not even aware we were dating in the first place... my mum is very strict and she will be very disappointed in me with this."
The woman, who came to Reddit for the first time to share her dilemma, asked anyone who had 'ever been in [her] shoes' to share their advice, though urged people to 'be kind' in the responses.
"I have literally not slept today, been crying the whole night," she wrote.
After the woman shared her story, some Reddit users responded to encourage her to speak to the boyfriend about their relationship.
However, others argued the man had shown his true colours, insisting the woman should bid him 'good riddance'.
"When a man shows you who he is, better believe him," one person advised. "Talk to your mum and together visit his family whether he’s there or not."
The mum-to-be has since thanked the Redditors for their advice.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Reddit