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Astrologer reveals you’re more likely to be a psychopath if you have one of these star signs

Astrologer reveals you’re more likely to be a psychopath if you have one of these star signs

Bad news for these seven star signs...

An astrologer has revealed there are seven star signs you should be keeping a close eye on as they're 'more likely' to be psychopaths.

For anybody who is also a prolific true-crime documentary binger, your mind is probably already racing with questions, praying that it won't be your mum or your partner's star sign... or maybe even your own. Yikes.

What is a psychopath?

Psychopathy is believed to be an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder, although it's not a diagnostic term itself.

It's characterised by impulsive, irresponsible and often criminal behaviour, according to the NHS, and can present in manipulative behaviour, a lack of empathy and remorse, a disregard for 'normal social behaviour' and exploitation of others.

Not all psychopaths are like this, don't worry (Lionsgate)
Not all psychopaths are like this, don't worry (Lionsgate)

Interestingly, some experts have tried to draw links between the stars and those who have the disorder - debating whether characteristics that certain zodiac signs supposedly exhibit could make them more likely to be a psychopath.

The topic was given more ammo recently after an astrologer revealed why some of the world's most notorious serial killers all share the same four zodiac signs, including the likes of Ted Bundy, Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Astrotalk astrologer explained: "While psychopathy is not exclusive to any particular zodiac sign, astrology enthusiasts often wonder if certain signs may possess traits that make them more prone to psychopathic tendencies."

So, what are the signs that are more likely to possess psychopathic traits? Well, it turns out there are seven signs out of the 12 in the zodiac, and a couple of them might shock you...



Coming in first is the notoriously emotional and mysterious Scorpio.

According to Astrotalk, the sign is known for possessing strong willpower and intellect, but this can quickly slip into manipulative and controlling behaviours where they will stop at nothing to achieve their aim.



Ah, Gemini... the twins.

Geminis might have great communication skills and an ability to adapt, but experts warn that this can also lead to a 'lack of authenticity and an inclination towards manipulation'.

"Geminis may display inconsistent behavior, switching between different personalities effortlessly, which can be indicative of psychopathic tendencies," Astrotalk astrologer added.



Next up we have Aries, known for their confidence and ambition.

But they also have a 'natural desire for control' and 'can display aggressive behavior when faced with obstacles'.

The expert pointed out that not all Aries have these traits, but their 'lack of empathy' can sometimes raise some red flags and is something to keep an eye out for.



Leos are known for not being shy in the face of the spotlight, and are 'typically characterised by their need for attention, grandiosity, and charisma'.

However, Astrotalk astrologer warns that this can be used to manipulate others for personal gain, a classic trait of psychopathy.

"Leos may display a lack of remorse when their actions negatively affect others," it added.



Yeah, this one shocked me too.

Those who fall under Sagittarius are often described as being 'adventurous, independent, and freedom-loving'.

But their love of exploration can make them fall foul of impulsive behaviours.

"While not all Sagittarians possess psychopathic tendencies, their lack of consideration for the consequences of their actions and their disregard for social norms can align with certain aspects of psychopathy," Astrotalk astrologer noted.



Capricorns are lauded for their strong work ethic and sense of ambition, often highly driven individuals dead-set on ticking off their goals.

Although, this 'single-minded focus on personal achievements' and 'tendency to manipulate situations for their benefit can sometimes resemble psychopathic traits'.



Aquarians pride themselves on their independence, strong sense of self and individuality, although they can be guilty of cutting loved ones off emotionally.

Astrotalk astrologer explained: "While not all Aquarians exhibit psychopathic tendencies, their tendency to prioritise their own ideals over social conventions and their difficulty in forming deep emotional connections can be seen as potential indicators."

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Pisces... better watch out for these lot, eh?

Featured Image Credit: Curt Borgwardt/Sygma via Getty Images/Tyla

Topics: Life, Astrology