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Tin foil hats at the ready, there’s a new video that has caused a whole load of conspiracy theories online.

Uploaded to TikTok, the eerie clip seems to show a woman ‘frozen’ as she walks down a British street.

It’s caused some viewers to believe we have fallen into a ‘different dimension’ (yes, really).

The viral TikTok shows a 'frozen' woman standing in the middle of the street.

First appearing online four days ago, the video shows the woman mid-step yet unable to move for a few seconds.

To emphasise the point, the overlay text on the TikTok also reads: "She was like that for a minute before."

As the person recording the clip begins to question what’s going on, the woman seems to suddenly spring into life in a moment similar to toys awaking in Toy Story.

It was shared with the caption: "NPC caught lacking," with the abbreviation referring to the non-playable-characters found in video games - which often glitch in the background.

Since being uploaded to the video-sharing platform, the spooky clip has received over 4.9 million views with many questioning whether the clip was a hoax.

However, some are convinced the video is real with one user claiming it’s ‘proof’ of a much more sinister reality.

The video has racked up over 4 millions views since it was first uploaded.

"Sometimes I think we've slipped into a different dimension,” one person commented.

Another added: “The way the wind isn’t even moving her clothes or hair but it’s all just stuck completely frozen.”

Meanwhile, a third wrote: “She almost GOT OUT of the simulation. It pulled her right back in THE MATRIX!!”

Not everyone was quite so spooked though, with many users suggesting that the woman had simply forgotten what she meant to be doing.

One person said: “When you forget what you were doing, going or left something behind lol.”

While conspiracy theorists continue to flood the comments, there may be a more heartbreaking explanation behind the moment.

As one user pointed out, some people will exhibit this kind of behaviour when they have a seizure.

Though relatively uncommon, one person shared in the comments that they've witnessed a friend have a similar moment.

“I have a friend who use to do freeze moments and later reached that it can be a type of fit,” they explained, adding: “Only last seconds to a minute and they have no idea.”

But until we hear from the woman herself, there's no way of telling what really happened.

So next time you see a weird video claiming to be a ‘glitch’ in the Matrix, maybe don’t believe everything you see online.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@unknown1575489

Topics: TikTok