An Aussie mother has been forced to have her eye sewn up after her lash technician noticed a life-threatening disease whilst applying extensions.
If you're squeamish about your eyes, you may wish to avert your vision now, because this torturous tale is not for the fainthearted.
When 28-year-old Adelaide-born Chloe Boulden visited her regular beautician for a routine eyelash extension appointment back in October 2022, she'd never have suspected to life-changing rollercoaster of emotion that was to come.
All was initially well during the mother-of-four's appointment, until the technician working on her lashes noticed a never-before-seen spot blooming on Chloe's lash line.
In the months that followed, Chloe kept a close watch on the unusual blemish, noting that it seemed to be growing in size over time, as well as becoming more and more red.

The professional baker claims she was looked over by an optometrist, who described her condition as a blocked eyelid and prescribed her with an ointment.
She even took herself to A&E to be checked out, only for doctors to ignore all the warning signs.
Eventually, a year after her first appointment, the believed it wise to see a specialist about her spot, hoping to rule out anything too threatening.
She was subsequently horrified, therefore, when medics informed her they'd need a biopsy of part of her eye.
Chloe's devastation wasn't to stop there, however, as within a matter of days, the doting mum was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma - a form of skin cancer caused by sun exposure.
"When I went to my skin check, the doctor said 'I don't mean to scare you, but this doesn't look good,'" she told press.
"It sunk in when I went to the plastic surgeon and he confirmed it was cancerous."

The following weeks saw the Chloe undergo a stomach-wrenching procedure, whereby the cancerous part of her eye was cut away, and the skin from a graft taken from her eye was used to replace it in a full reconstructive surgery.
Not only that, but the culinary pro was forced to have her eye sewn shut for a number of days, so that blood would be supplied for her graft.
"To be 28 years old and need a full eyelid reconstruction is pretty devastating - when I went for the surgery I was very emotional," she recalled.
"Unfortunately I found out the cancer had spread and I need another surgery, but fingers crossed that'll be it then.
"I never thought anything like this would happen to me - people seem to think skin cancer isn't as dangerous as other cancers, but it can be. And it can happen to anyone - no matter your age or gender."
Now, Chloe is using her heartbreaking experience to warn others of the risks of spending prolonged hours in the sun in the hope of topping up your tan.

"In my younger years, I got burnt a lot - I just never thought this would happen to me," she opened up.
"It's about education and knowing what to look for - skin cancer isn't always a freckle or a mole. I want to raise awareness of what to look out for and remind people to get regular skin checks."
Sadly for Chloe and her four children, though the first eye procedure was successful, the surgery also pointed out that the cancer had spread further than initially expected.
She'll now need to go under the knife a further time, during which her eye will finally be unstitched.
Topics: Australia, Health, Parenting, Cancer, Beauty, Mental Health