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People are only just learning what each compartment drawer is for in a washing machine

People are only just learning what each compartment drawer is for in a washing machine

Safe to say the washing machine revelation has blown people's minds

I'm sure many of us have gadgets and appliances around the house we don't totally understand through and through.

From changing the settings on your air fryer to the 'secret' function on sinks - it's clear a whole bunch of adults are none the wiser when it comes to things they use on a daily basis in their homes.

And, now, people are only just learning what each compartment drawer is for in a washing machine.

Do you know what they mean? (SimonSkafar/Getty Images)
Do you know what they mean? (SimonSkafar/Getty Images)

Doing your washing can be a right old faff especially when it's not always clear what section is for detergent or conditioner - and don't even get me started on the whole 'pre-wash' politics.

So, to come to the rescue, a handy TikTok page called @savethestudent has shed a little light on the age-old mystery.

The narrator began: "In case you're wondering, here's what the three compartments in your washing machines are for."

Now, the first compartment is for pre-washing, which you won't need to use unless you're cleaning some 'really dirty laundry'.

However, if you are using a cycle with a pre-wash, put some washing powder or liquid in here and 'it'll basically wash your clothes twice'.

The first compartment is for the pre-wash. (Kinga Krzeminska/Getty Images)
The first compartment is for the pre-wash. (Kinga Krzeminska/Getty Images)

He continued: "The second compartment is the biggie in every sense.

"This is the main detergent drawer and it's usually the biggest of the three but it's sometimes labeled with a number two if you're not sure."

Now, unless you're using a washing machine tablet, you'll need to put some washing powder or liquid in this compartment 'for every wash you do'.

And last but by no means least is the fabric conditioner compartment.

"It's usually pretty easy to spot as it tends to be a different size, shape or colour to the others and you only need to use this if you have some conditioner and want to make your clothes softer or smell nicer."

Each of the compartments tend to have a handy little symbol next to it to make the chore of laundry that one bit more fool-proof.

  • I - 'Pre wash'
  • II - 'Main wash'
  • Flower symbol - 'Fabric softener'

Simple as that!

It's clear a few people's minds were blown by the handy advice with one TikTok user praising: "Thanks this was really helpful!"

"25 years old and only just learned this. Been living alone since I was 19," revealed another.

Well, I guess you really do learn something new everyday.

Featured Image Credit: Kinga Krzeminska/SimonSkafar/Getty Images

Topics: TikTok, Life, Home