The internet is crawling with discussions.
From the whole pineapple on pizza saga all the way through to the relentless Gen Z versus Millennial debate - it's clear we're no strangers to the rigid categorisation process social media seemingly thrusts us into.
However, the whole generation gap topic has time and time again proven to be a touchy subject to everyone involved.
From the recent crop-top slander, the anti-ankle sock brigade and - of course - the hatred of skinny jeans - let's just say that Gen Z do not hold back when it comes to letting their predecessors know just how out of style they are.

And, as if that wasn't enough faff as is, it seems there's a brand-new generation identity that many of us probably unknowingly fall into.
People who are now claiming to be 'Zillennial' have left both Gen Z and Millennials completely baffled - and there's good reason why.
So, what even is a Zillennial?
Well, someone asked exactly that on Reddit and they were met with a right avalanche of responses.
One person penned: "It's like being born on the cusp, so close to the cutoff."
A second quipped: "Zillennial are years that don’t feel Millennial or Gen Z. These years went into high school after the recession and went out of high school after EDM era."

"It's a mix between late Millennials and early Z but many people often define Zillennials as late Millennials with ending at 1998 sometimes 1999," mapped out a third.
A fourth echoed: "People born around the Millenial End / Gen Z Start imo its 1994-1999 (last 3 Millennial years and first 3 Z years in my range)."
Another added: "Cuspers between Millennials & Gen Z. They don't exactly fit in with either generation.
"There are also many other cuspers too such as Gen Jones (Boomer/Gen X cuspers), Xennials (Gen X/Millennial cuspers), & Zalphas (Gen Z/Gen Alpha cuspers)."
And a final Reddit user resolved: "It just means that you are on the cusp of both generations and therefore have some traits of both Late Millennials and Early Gen Z. Everyone who is a Zillennial is also either a Millennial or Gen Z, its not its own generation.
"In my view, 1994-1999 are Zillennials. The ones born in 1994-1996 are Millennials who also share some traits and experiences with Early Gen Z. The ones born in 1997-1999 are Gen Z who also share some traits and experiences with Late Millennials."
So, in short, if you were born between 1994 to 1999 then you, my friend, are a Zillennial.
Welcome to the club!
Topics: Life, Social Media, Gen Z