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Astrologer reveals four 'manipulative' Zodiac signs that are most likely to be psychopaths

Astrologer reveals four 'manipulative' Zodiac signs that are most likely to be psychopaths

These four star signs are more prone to red-flag behaviour than others

We've all wondered at point in our lives whether or not our minds or behaviour could possibly constitute as 'psychopathic'.

But apparently, it's not a fascination with true crime, a love of thriller novels or a dislike of cats that could determine whether you'd fall into the category of a psychopathic manipulator - it's your Zodiac sign.

Before getting into it, it's probably best to assure you that this is one of many - often conflicting theories - on the origins of psychopathic behaviour.

And of course, if you don't consider yourself an astrologer, you might struggle slightly to buy into the theory that the month and you were born could have predetermined some of your worst character traits.

Some star signs are more psychopathic than others (Kinga Krzeminska/Getty)
Some star signs are more psychopathic than others (Kinga Krzeminska/Getty)

According to an astrologer from Astrotalk, 'psychopathy' can be characterised by a lack of empathy, a disregard of social norms, and - in some - a tendency to exhibit manipulative behaviour.

"While psychopathy is not exclusive to any particular zodiac sign, astrology enthusiasts often wonder if certain signs may possess traits that make them more prone to psychopathic tendencies," they told the Express.

However, as we say, when it comes to being particularly 'manipulative', the expert believes that only four Zodiac signs have this characteristic 'built in' from birth.


Scorpios are regarded as 'intelligent' and having 'strong willpower' (Tyla)
Scorpios are regarded as 'intelligent' and having 'strong willpower' (Tyla)

As well as being associated with 'intense emotions' and a 'mysterious nature', individuals born between October 23 and November 21 are, apparently, also prime manipulators.

"Their ability to hide their true emotions and go to great lengths to achieve their goals can be seen as potential psychopathic traits," the expert continued.


Those with the sign Gemini are 'highly adaptable' when it comes to communicating with others (Tyla)
Those with the sign Gemini are 'highly adaptable' when it comes to communicating with others (Tyla)

Although they're known for their high levels of adaptability, the expert believes that those born between 21 May and 21 June are often guilty of exhibiting a lack of authenticity.

They also see a regular inclination towards manipulation in many of these individuals.

"Geminis may display inconsistent behaviour, switching between different personalities effortlessly, which can be indicative of psychopathic tendencies."


Leos have 'constant need for admiration' (Tyla)
Leos have 'constant need for admiration' (Tyla)

Though Leos - those born between 23 July and 22 August - are often famed for their boldness and charisma, the expert believes their 'constant need for admiration' can sometimes dissolve into a 'tendency to manipulate others for personal gain'.

And even more concerning, they say this could be due to a 'lack of remorse' for others.


Capricorns are said to 'manipulate' situations to benefit them (Tyla)
Capricorns are said to 'manipulate' situations to benefit them (Tyla)

Lastly, the proneness of individuals born between December 22 and January 19 to act 'single-mindedly' can potentially be the downfall.

"Their tendency to manipulate situations for their benefit can sometimes resemble psychopathic traits," the expert added.

While it may seem like a bit of stretch, astrologers have previously noticed a pattern between the star signs of notorious serial killers.

Despite not appearing on this list, the most common Zodiac sign was Virgo, which included the likes of Rodney Alcala and Ed Gein.

However, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces were also amongst the most common when it came to serial killers.

Featured Image Credit: disqis/Getty Images/Tyla

Topics: Astrology, Life, True Life