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Police searching for Jay Slater in Tenerife find another 'missing' Brit

Police searching for Jay Slater in Tenerife find another 'missing' Brit

A Scottish hiker has been found in the mountainous region where it is believed Jay Slater had been travelling

Police investigating the disappearance of missing 19-year-old Jay Slater have today provided an update, revealing that they've inadvertently located another British holidaymaker who had been out hiking inTenerife.

Teenage Jay Slater disappeared after a night out on the Canary Island last week and was last heard from at around 8.00am on 17 June after telling a friend he was in the middle of nowhere and needed water.

The journey back to his resort would have taken around 11 hours on foot, yet no one has since seen or heard from Jay.

The Lancashire-born teenager had been enjoying a holiday on the Spanish island with two friends in the hours before he went missing, having flown to the Canary Islands for a music festival.

Jay Slater hasn't been heard of since Monday. (Lucy Law/Handout)
Jay Slater hasn't been heard of since Monday. (Lucy Law/Handout)

One of the friends he was joined by, Lucy, later told police that he'd been on a night out with the group earlier that evening, but had left the group in order to spend time with new people he'd met.

She told the Manchester Evening News that the accommodation of their 'new friends' had been 'in the middle of nowhere', and that Jay had called at around 8.00am the following day to inform her that he was attempting to walk home after being unable to catch a bus.

He also told her his phone battery was on one percent and that he needed a drink of water, but 'didn't know where he was'.

His phone then died, with his last location showing as being in ‘the middle of the mountains with nothing around’.

Jay's location was revealed to be in the Rural de Teno Park - or the National Park of Teno, north west of the island.

The 19-year-old has been missing in Tenerife for over a week now. (PA)
The 19-year-old has been missing in Tenerife for over a week now. (PA)

Since then, search parties have scoured the island looking for clues pointing at what might have happened to him.

During the search, however, investigating authorities located another British holidaymaker in the mountainous region of the island in the days following Jay's disappearance.

The 51-year-old Scottish hiker - who has not yet been named - had reached a 'difficult access' region of the island in the desolate Asomada Canyon, where Jay Slater was last believed to have travelled.

"Tired and disoriented, he was located by the agents and the rescue team who helped him get out of the ravine," police told press this morning of the hiker.

Further updates on the man's condition have not yet been released to the public.

Today's news comes just hours after Jay Slater's mother Debbie Duncan once again spoke out over her son's disappearance, vowing never to 'give up on' her son while thanking those who have rallied around her.

Police came across another missing Brit today. (PA)
Police came across another missing Brit today. (PA)

Since he was reported missing, a GoFundMe page was set up by Jay's pal Lucy, which has today surpassed a staggering £30,000, with the proceeds aimed at helping fund the search for the missing teen.

"Hi everyone, this is Debbie, Jay's mother. Thank you all for your generosity and kindness during this difficult time," yesterday's update read.

"I wanted to confirm that this is the only GoFundMe fundraiser approved by our family. We have not yet withdrawn any funds and are currently covering the expenses, such as the trip to Tenerife and accommodation, ourselves.

"The funds will remain on hold with GoFundMe until we post a further update on this page."

Featured Image Credit: PA

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