A mum has confessed she wishes she’d chosen another name for her young son as no one can pronounce his moniker.
You’ll probably be surprised when you hear what TikToker Elli’s tot is called - because it’s a pretty common name.
That said, Elli insisted that in Australia her son’s name isn’t as common and people have trouble saying it correctly.
Watch Elli's video below:
Taking part in a TikTok trend that asks parents on the platform: “Do you ever regret what you named your kid?” Elli revealed in her response that her son is called Seth.
She shared: “It's not that I regret the name that I chose for my child, but I thought I chose a name that was short, international and easy to pronounce. It turns out I was wrong. The name I chose is not popular in Australia.”
Elli added: “My son's name is Seth and unless I say Seth like Seth Rogen, no one knows what I'm saying.”
Plenty of people were surprised by Elli’s video and pointed out that Seth is a common name Down Under.
One person wrote: “Seth is very common in Australia,” while another Tiktoker echoed: “Seth is a very popular name in Australia. Not sure what circumstances one would have to spell out Seth other than on the phone, but even then.”
“So many Seths in Australia,” commented a third social media user.
Other parents shared their own examples of their kids’ names being mispronounced.
“My boy is Isaac. Pronounced in the UK - Eye-zich. Except we moved to Australia when he was 3 - I-Zak,” commented one parent.
Another added: “Named my daughter Holly and she attends French school where they pronounce it Oli… everyone then thinks her name is Olivia.”

Other similar messages included: “My son's name is Jaidah and I always get that it's a girls’ name,” “My daughter’s name is Esme & people say Ez-Me! Instead of Ez-May!” and “Marianne… the amount of people that say Marie Anne or Mary Anna!”
Others simply didn’t understand how anyone could manage to mispronounce the name Seth.
“What do they think you're saying? I feel like it should be obvious,” queried one TikToker, with another adding: “Wow I can’t believe you get people confused by Seth. That seems like such a normal name to me.”
However, one other mum could relate and replied: “Haha I knew the name before you said it. Same, Seth has had so many issues with his name.”
Topics: Parenting