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Queen Elizabeth made ‘remarkable’ gesture that broke strict royal protocol for Princess Diana

Queen Elizabeth made ‘remarkable’ gesture that broke strict royal protocol for Princess Diana

It was considered a historic first for the late monarch

Now, while the Royals are known throughout history for many different things - one thing they've happened to do time and time again is break royal protocol.

From Prince William and Kate Middleton taking selfies with fans to the Queen once signing an autograph back in the 90s, it's clear the Royal Family are more than happy to bend the rules on given occasions.

Arguably, one of the most famous moments of doing so was when the late Queen Elizabeth II once broke strict royal protocol for Princess Diana following her passing in August 1997.

Princess Diana died after a car crash in Paris. (Avalon/Getty Images)
Princess Diana died after a car crash in Paris. (Avalon/Getty Images)

One person who goes by the handle @royalnewsdaily, took to TikTok to share with viewers one of the greatest examples of protocol being broken - when the Queen bowed her head in a historic first at the funeral of Princess Diana.

Footage from the event sees the Queen, who was standing with Princess Margaret, bowing her head in public as the coffin bearing Diana passed by.

This act is considered the first and only time the monarch bowed her head.

The TikToker explained: "As the days went by after Diana died, Buckingham Palace was dead silent. Queen Elizabeth didn't make an official statement and the flag wasn't lowered in grief.

Queen Elizabeth II made a never-before-seen gesture that broke strict royal protocol for Princess Diana during her funeral. (Bettmann / Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II made a never-before-seen gesture that broke strict royal protocol for Princess Diana during her funeral. (Bettmann / Getty Images)

"But everyone in Britain and the rest of the world was in grief. It was natural to feel the pain and dissatisfaction of the people, and because of this, Queen Elizabeth felt she had to break the rules and do something that had never been done before."

They continued: "Diana was buried with all the honours that a Princess should have. The most moving moment, though, was when Diana's coffin passed in front of Buckingham Palace.

"Queen Elizabeth did something that no one saw coming - she slightly tilted her head to show that she recognised [Diana] for one last time.

"This meant that the Queen broke one of the most important rules which indicates she should never bow her head to someone lower in rank than her. The Queen showed in this moment that she deeply understood how people in Britain and around the world felt."

Hundreds have since flooded in to share their reactions to the news, with one TikTok user dubbing it a 'remarkable' act.

In the latest Royal Family news, Princess Anne has been hospitalised following an incident with a horse.

An official statement from Buckingham Palace released Monday afternoon (24 June) reads: "The Princess Royal has sustained minor injuries and concussion following an incident on the Gatcombe Park estate yesterday evening.

"Her Royal Highness remains in Southmead Hospital, Bristol, as a precautionary measure for observation and is expected to make a full and swift recovery.

"The King has been kept closely informed and joins the whole Royal Family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to The Princess for a speedy recovery."

Featured Image Credit: Bettmann/John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images

Topics: Royal Family, The Queen