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‘Wizard of astrology’ had eerie two word prediction for last year which may have come true

‘Wizard of astrology’ had eerie two word prediction for last year which may have come true

Astrologist Theophilus Moore may have predicted the 'catastrophic' disaster which took place last summer

Whether you believe in it or not - we can all agree that astrology is pretty darn interesting.

From horoscopes and zodiac facts all the way to Baba Vanga's future prophecies, it's clear that we're all extremely fascinated with what the future potentially has in store for each of us.

Talking of which, a historical figure dubbed the 'wizard of astrology' once had an incredibly eerie two word prediction for last year which may have come true...

We all love a bit of astrology. (Javier Zayas Photography / Getty Images)
We all love a bit of astrology. (Javier Zayas Photography / Getty Images)

Here's some history for ya.

There's a super vintage annual astrology magazine titled the Old Moore's Almanack which been published in Britain since way back when in 1697.

It was founded by Theophilus Moore, a self-taught physician and astrologer.

The predictions made in the Old Moore's Almanack over the years have already seemed to come true - namely the rise of cryptocurrency and Donald Trump failing to secure his second term as US president.

However, last year, the publication released its list of predictions for 2023, and there was one particular prediction that many people thought was too eerily accurate to ignore.

Theophilus Moore was dubbed the 'wizard of astrology'. (Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Theophilus Moore was dubbed the 'wizard of astrology'. (Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Now, among the several predictions made for 2023 were the words 'submarine drama' which, if you jog your memories to last summer, could be a reference to the highly-publicised Titan submersible implosion.

A massive operation was launched in June last year after the missing submersible vanished about 435 miles (700km) south of Newfoundland, Canada.

The tiny sub, named the Titan, had an inside space of just 22ft long and 9ft wide with a height of a little over 8ft.

The craft, operated by OceanGate Expeditions, carried five people on board including a pilot and a ‘content expert’ as well as three paying customers.

Titan lost contact with its surface crew on 18 June, 2023 as it explored the underwater gravesite of the Titanic wreckage which lies around 12,500ft deep.

The vessel suffered a 'catastrophic implosion' killing all five passengers inside. (Becky Kagan Schott/OceanGate)
The vessel suffered a 'catastrophic implosion' killing all five passengers inside. (Becky Kagan Schott/OceanGate)

The US Coast Guard later announced the 'catastrophic implosion' of the Titan vessel some days later (22 June), after debris was discovered near the wreck of the Titanic off the coast of Newfoundland.

The implosion ended up killing all five passengers on board who were identified

as OceanGate CEO and co-founder Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French diver/Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, and father and son Shahzada and Suleman Dawood.

Now, according to the Old Moore's Almanack, 2024's predictions include; an assassination warning for Trump, the end of cash, the end of roads and a massive earthquake that extends across multiple borders.

Featured Image Credit: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images / Getty Stock Image

Topics: Astrology, Space, News, Life, World News