Astrology is one of those topics of conversation that often leads spectators divided.
While some refuse to be scare-mongered into believing the position of the planets dictate whether we fall into or away from good fortune that particular month, others live their lives by it.
Whichever stance you take on horoscopes, however, you simply cannot deny that it is an interesting concept.
So much so, that when a new planet takes its turn going retrograde, many of even the most hard-faced of non-believers can't resist checking on what may be in store for their particular star sign.

Starting this week and lasting four-and-a-half months, it's Saturn's turn to slow down.
If you're out of the loop in what this transit actually means, however, allow us to catch you up first, before getting into what it could mean for your zodiac.
Between Saturday 29 June and Friday 15 November, Saturn will slow down before appearing to move backward from our perspective on Earth.
And being that this planet is associated with overseeing responsibility and limitation, we're said to be nudged toward Saturn, we're understood to reflect on these two areas of life.
Will this incoming Saturn Retrograde encourage you to reassess your current goals and put another priority in the forefront of your mind, or will this transition be a time of much-needed peace for you and your loved ones?
Find out right here...
Because every planet in our solar system moves at a different pace and pattern through the zodiac, and Saturn has been swimming in the Pisces sign since March 2023, it seems right to begin with this famously empathic and poetic water sign.

So, when Saturn moves forward in Pisces, the planet’s association with responsibility is applied to a stronger degree to areas of life we associate with the water sign, including spirituality, psychological well-being and healing.
Therefore, becoming more aware of the habits that affect our mental state in a negative way, an example being social media, could occur, as could a focus on your mind-body connection, by spending time with the right people.
Like Pisces, Saturn Retrograde will likely encourage you to reconsider the state of your psychological wellbeing.
Hopefully, you'll spend the next four months putting yourself first whilst trying to find the answer to the question of what brings you mental peace.
Use this time wisely.
Saturn Retrograde is expecting to take hold of the networking and friendship aspects of your being, and encourage you to reassess the various different bonds, communities and teams you are a part of.
If you notice that some relations are lacking, it may well be time to consider whether they're worth reinvesting your time into, or cutting and running from.

During this time, you may also find friendship in the most unlikely of places, with unexpected individuals - possibly colleagues - making you feel seen in ways you haven't for a while.
Your career will become the focal point of your life in the coming weeks, but this isn't something to shy away from.
You'll take the time to consider how far you've already come in your professional life, and to think about what the future within your current endeavour actually looks like.
Your eyes could be opened to a different path, or unexpected way of working - don't shut it down straight away, however. It may pay off in the long run.
This Saturn Retrograde expects you to once again bring out your adventurous side, whilst activating your higher-learning zone.
You'll experience a hunger for personal growth, leading you to question many aspects of how the world can be used in your favour.
Trusting your gut to make your decisions will be pivotal this summer/autumn.

Whilst others are focussing on your professional growth, these next four months will be vital when it comes to your personal life.
How will you confront the lack of reciprocity you've been enduring lately? How will you create the balance you so seek in your intimate relationships?
This is your opportunity to start afresh on new foundations that serve the two of you, as opposed to just your other-half.
Similarly, this Saturn Retrograde will also encourage Virgos to reassess their partnerships - though this doesn't strictly apply to romantic relationships.
You'll receive the opportunity to show up for someone in need - whether that be a family member, friend, colleague - and you'll see if someone shows up for you in return.
Not only will these partnerships tell you everything you need to know about the people in your life over these next few months, but they'll tell you everything you've doubted in yourself.
Your day-to-day life should be turned on it's head during this Saturn Retrograde, but thankfully, it'll be for all the right reasons.

You'll finally get a clearer idea whether you have been given more than you can handle - in which case, help will be at hand for the future - or whether you're able to rise to the occasion.
The pressure will pile onto you, but you'll only come out on top either way.
In the meantime, you'll be reassessing some of your daily habits, reflecting on whether you should commit to them long-term or whether they're doing more harm than good.
With Saturn Retrograde falling in Scorpio's romance and self-expression zone, you might find yourself surprising both you and your partner with your desire to get creative?
Has the desire to keep things spicey fallen on the back-burner recently? Well, not for long.
There's an artistic endeavour right around the corner for you - go for it!
Expect to see some changes in your home life and family connections in the next few months, as Saturn Retrogade is about to whip up quite the stir.

This isn't something to fear, however, and if anything, reflecting on your domestic space will prove to be exactly what you need to achieve your long-term goals in the future.
Is your living situation holding you back? Has a once-dependant relationship started dragging you down? Is it time to move on?
You'll answer all these questions yourself in the coming weeks.
Being that your ruling planet of Saturn is about to move backwards through your communication zone, you need to take the time to consider whether your needs are being met socially.
Whilst you might be excelling in other aspects of your life - like your career, your relationship - you'll likely realise that your human connection to others, particularly those outside of your immediate circle is lacking.
You'll spend the next few months fostering these connections and rebuilding them - whether inadvertently or otherwise.
Lastly, with Saturn being one of your co-ruling planets, and it landing in your money zone, as an Aquarius, you might have a pretty hefty pay out coming before November.
But this prize might not be totally monetary, being that you're set to learn a handful of life lessons about recognition and reward in the coming weeks, which may present you with a daunting realisation, but it's for the best.