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Air hostess reveals why crew members look you up and down

Air hostess reveals why crew members look you up and down

No, they're not just silently judging your cosy travel outfit, don't worry...

Many of you may have noticed lots of subtle gestures and phrases among cabin crew when you’re jetting off on holiday.

Some of those details are arguably more interesting than others – like the secret code word they sometimes use to signal that you’re attractive, which is decidedly juicier than just using the word ‘pax’ for passengers.

What about those flight attendants looking you up and down as you board? If you’ve seen it in action, it might be easy to assume they’re giving your outfit a disapproving glare.

However, it turns out there’s actually a much more important reason behind this, and actually it’s not even your outfit that they’re interested in.

Don't worry, they're not just judging your outfit (Westend61/Getty Images)
Don't worry, they're not just judging your outfit (Westend61/Getty Images)

Flight attendant and TikToker Kat Kalamani (@katkamalani)shared a video on the matter a while back, explaining how there’s something specific they’re looking out as the plane fills up with excited holidaymakers.

She said there are a number of factors they’re considering, but they all come down to making sure everyone on board remains as safe as possible.

"Have you ever walked on a plane and saw the flight attendants standing right here greeting you?" Kamalani began.

"Or the flight attendants walking up and down the aisle?

"Well I'm about to tell you what we're really doing.

"So, when you're walking on the airplane and you see our happy, smiling face - we're actually looking you up and down and we are trying to find our ABPs.

"And what that is called is our able body people or person - so, these are people who are going to help us in an emergency.”

There's actually something specific they're looking out for (Thomas Barwick/Getty)
There's actually something specific they're looking out for (Thomas Barwick/Getty)

She went on to provide a few examples - military personnel, firefighters, nurses and doctors.

Kalamani continued: "So, in case of an emergency, like a medical emergency or we are going to land the plane or there's a security breach, we know who is on our plane and who can help us.

"But, we're also looking for one more thing - beside from looking for things that don't belong on the plane, like a boxful of liquids - we're looking for human trafficking.

"It happens a lot in the industry and our passengers' safety is our number one priority."

So there you have it... At least they're not just silently judging that loungewear of yours!

Featured Image Credit: Westend61/BraunS/Getty Images

Topics: Travel, TikTok, Flight attendant