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Anyone travelling to Greece this summer warned over confusing footwear law that could land you in trouble

Anyone travelling to Greece this summer warned over confusing footwear law that could land you in trouble

Holidaymakers could be at risk of forking over hundreds of pounds in Greece

With the summer season FINALLY upon us after what has felt like months of dreary weather and dark skies, many holidaymakers are quite literally counting down the hours until they can jet off to somewhere slightly sunnier.

Travellers making their way to Greece in the coming weeks have received a pretty stark warning, however, after several Brits have been charged hefty sums recently for breaking a rather surprising rule.

There are several track regulations catching holidaymakers out. (Twenty47studio/Getty)
There are several track regulations catching holidaymakers out. (Twenty47studio/Getty)

It seems to be that countless travel restrictions have been added to the roster in recent months, often catching holidaymakers out and forcing them to fork out hundreds of pounds.

Just last week, Ryanair's strict hand luggage regulations came under scrutiny after travellers tried to evade it with a 'viral' packing hack.

The week prior, those making their way to Europe have been warned over a passport regulation which has left several travellers being sent home from the airport.

And any Brits travelling to Spain were warned last month this summer could face humungous fines if caught disobeying strict clothing rules.

Speaking of clothing limitations, as we say, there's a somewhat little known rule that has caught out numerous holidaymakers travelling to Greece already this year.

Picture this: you're preparing for a day of exploring the ancient Greek ruins, delving deep into the history and archaeology of a culture that dates back to thousands of years BC. What do you wear?

Travellers to Greece have been fined for breaking one rule. (NurPhoto/Getty)
Travellers to Greece have been fined for breaking one rule. (NurPhoto/Getty)

Considering the temperatures in the European holiday hotspot at this time of year, as well as the need to walk around these often rocky landmarks, I imagine you'll opt for a comfortable pair of shorts, a free-flowing t-shirt and some sports trainers. Yes?

Well, apparently not. In fact, some holidaymakers have been rocking up to the ancient sites in - get this - a pair of HIGH HEELED SHOES!

It's true, hundreds of travellers have been spotted attempting to take in the magnificence of the the Acropolis, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus in Athens and the Epidaurus Theatre in the Peloponnese region in a pair of six inch stilettos.

Not only have these attempted fashion-forward jet-setters likely stuck out like a sore thumb among these ancient artefacts, but they've actually been billed for their bizarre attire.

That's because it has been illegal to wear shoes that could disrupt or damage monuments at these such locations since 2009.

High heels are banned from several ancient sites. (Buena Vista Photography/Getty)
High heels are banned from several ancient sites. (Buena Vista Photography/Getty)

Speaking to press on the matter, Eleni Korka, Director of Greek Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, told the Daily Mail that year: "Female visitors must wear shoes that do not wound the monuments.

"These monuments have a skin that suffers and people must realise that."

According to The Sun, travellers have been landed with bills of as much as £771 for the mighty mistake.

Speaking of crazy travel rules, it turns out there are HUNDREDS of restrictions that have caught out holiday makers in recent weeks.


While it might be one of the city's most heavily visited landmarks, tourists travelling to Rome's Spanish Steps are actually prohibited from plonking down on them to observe the views.

Much in the same way, the iconic stairs are a centuries-old historic monument, which aren't actually made for seating - which also goes for other historic stairways in the city.

Rome also has some unusual rules and regulations. (Getty/Kathrin Ziegler)t
Rome also has some unusual rules and regulations. (Getty/Kathrin Ziegler)t

You can look, but don't touch, unless you fancy a €250 (£210) fine...

Barcelona and Mallorca

You know you're surrounded by Brits abroad when you look around and observe a pack of shirtless men sipping pints of Stella and munching on patatas bravas.

Apparently, however, in several areas of Spain, it's outright prohibited to walk around with no top on, even if you've been enjoying a day at the beach.

In Barcelona, you can be fined up to €300 (£250).

Featured Image Credit: SEN LI/Getty Images/Vasilis Tsikkinis/Getty images

Topics: Travel, Holiday, Hacks, Money