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Brits given urgent travel warning which could land holidaymakers with £900 fine

Brits given urgent travel warning which could land holidaymakers with £900 fine

Making this mistake could cost you up to a grand

As the UK prepares to escape the current heatwave we're all been moaning about and jet off to somewhere just as sunny (don't worry, we're a nation aware of our plentiful contradictions), travel experts are issuing a very stark warning to those heading abroad.

That's because they could be at risk of having to fork out thousands upon thousands of their hard-earned pounds by making just one simply mistake.

Many travel experts are issuing advice during the summer season. (Twenty47studio/Getty Images)
Many travel experts are issuing advice during the summer season. (Twenty47studio/Getty Images)

This time of year is continuous plagued with scare-mongering gossip and national headlines surrounding supposed changes to the way we holiday, including new airport legislation being put into place and foreign travel restrictions.

In the last week alone, holiday-goers heading for Greece this year were warned after a tourist was slapped with a €900 fine for carrying out a pretty common beach activity, and airport staff urged travellers to make two vital checks to their passport before making their way to the check-in desk.

Today, however, in a startling revelation, it has been discovered that people are 24 times more likely to travel abroad without the appropriate insurance than drive without it.

I mean, yeah, it is a legal requirement to have driver's insurance before getting behind the wheel.

But that isn't to take away from the equally-vital need for holidaymakers to ensure they're covered whilst travelling overseas.

44% of Brits reportedly travel abroad without insurance. (HalfpointImages/Getty)
44% of Brits reportedly travel abroad without insurance. (HalfpointImages/Getty)

Millions of sun-seekers contract illnesses whilst abroad every year, and accidents and injuries are, of course, not limited to UK soil.

Take it from someone who tore a ligament in their leg whilst skiing for the first time, only to be presented with a £2,000 bill while inside the ambulance!

The average travel insurance claim - according to research conducted by provider Aviva - is around £900 for 'minor' illnesses and injuries, but can stack up to being tens of thousands for those with 'serious' claims.

And being that - according to the Head of Current Accounts at Nationwide Building Society - an astonishing 44% of Brits travelled without cover.

Naturally, therefore, travel experts emphasising the need to get covered before setting off abroad.

Marta Edwards - who works for the UK bank - explained this week: "Holidays are our time to switch off and relax.

"Most claims are minor, but if you fall seriously ill or have an accident while abroad, the costs can run into tens or in some cases hundreds of thousands of pounds."

Travel experts are warning holidaymakers to make sure they're covered. (south_agency/Getty)
Travel experts are warning holidaymakers to make sure they're covered. (south_agency/Getty)

She continued: "Having adequate cover in place provides peace of mind that in the event something does go wrong you are protected.

"And unlike car insurance, just because travel cover is an optional expense, it shouldn’t make it easier to ignore. The risk isn’t worth it."

That's us told, then. Happy holidays!

Featured Image Credit: Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images/Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images

Topics: Money, Travel, Holiday, UK News, Hacks