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Brits urged to check five specific laws before going on holiday this summer to avoid serious trouble

Brits urged to check five specific laws before going on holiday this summer to avoid serious trouble

One of the five laws could see vapers in serious bother while on holiday

There is a warning to all Brits jetting off abroad this summer, as you could be breaking these five laws without even realising.

Whether you’re jetting off on an all-inclusive break or just travelling for a long weekend away with the girls, it’s fair to say that holiday season has arrived.

And while you might be the kind of holiday-maker who feels like they are on top of everything (airport dad vibes...), five specific laws abroad could land you in a bit of bother - as well as a hefty fine.

Brits have been warned to check the laws. (Getty stock images)
Brits have been warned to check the laws. (Getty stock images)

Experts have brought the laws to the attention of jet-setters ahead of the holiday influx, and they’re definitely worth making a note of.

Peeing in the sea

We’re not entirely sure how authorities are enforcing this one, but if you find yourself doing a pee in the sea, The City of Vigo, a northern city in Spain, has implemented a fine.

If caught, the person would face up to £640 - so you might want to consider finding yourself a toilet.


This could find a lot of Brits in trouble this summer, as rules around vaping in the UK are relatively relaxed - for now.

However if you or someone in your party is planning on vaping while on your holiday, it could be worth making sure that the country allows it.

Australia, Thailand, and Turkey are just some of the countries that have completely banned disposable vapes, with the UK hoping to follow suit.

If someone is caught with a vape in these places, then they could be facing an eye-watering fine of up to £2,000 or even worse and in some cases could even find themselves behind bars... yikes.

It could land you with a hefty fines. (Getty stock images)
It could land you with a hefty fines. (Getty stock images)

Buying fakes

I feel like we’ve all dabbled in the fake-designer knock offs you find in those little stalls on holiday.

But some countries are really cracking down on people purchasing them.

Spain has announced a €200 fine to any tourist caught buying from them.

So you might want to think twice before you treat yourself.

Crossing the road

While it’s not illegal to simply cross the road in some countries, you do need to be mindful about where you do it.

The act, known as ‘jaywalking’, refers to pedestrians crossing the road in undesignated areas.

So you might just want to stick with the traffic lights in Germany, Switzerland, Australia and the States this summer if you’re planning on flying over there.

You'll definitely want to take note. (Getty stock photo)
You'll definitely want to take note. (Getty stock photo)

Wearing swim gear

It might feel easier to walk from your hotel to the sea in your bikini, but they’re actually banned in some streets abroad.

The likes of Spain, Italy and Croatia can issue a fine of up to €500 if people are caught wearing their swimwear in public areas.

It’s always good to be cautious!

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: Holiday, Summer, Travel