A woman who just believed that she was tired out ended up giving birth just two days later to her first child. You can hear her tell the whole story below:
Now, her and her husband are obviously happy with how everything has turned out, but it’s definitely taken them somewhat by surprise.
Peyton Stover, 23, thought that her new job as a teacher was what was knackering her out, but decided that she’d go to the doctor anyway, just to be sure.
Once her legs started to swell, she decided that it was time to seek medical attention, and it’s a good job that she did.
It turned out that had she not sought medical advice, she could have died.
What’s more, 48 hours later she had a new baby.
Upon arrival at the docs, she was tested for pregnancy and told that she was – in fact – expecting a child.
She told local TV channel KETV that they ran two tests on her before telling her that it was ‘definitely positive’.
So, off she went for an ultrasound, which confirmed the news.

Peyton told the TV cameras: “She looked right at the screen and said, ‘You’re definitely pregnant’.”
However, the problems were serious – her liver and kidneys weren’t working properly.
That meant that the doctors had to act quickly to save the lives of both mother and baby.
Peyton’s boyfriend Travis Koesters explained: “They said she needs to be admitted and then she had the baby that night.”
“They’re like you’re having a baby in 15 minutes,” Peyton added.
That must have come as a bit of a shock.
The doctors performed an emergency caesarean section, and the couple’s son Kash was born 10 weeks early, weighing just four pounds.
After the fact, it has been confirmed that Peyton was suffering with pre-eclampsia, a complication that leads to high blood pressure.
“I had severely high blood pressure which is very scary,” Peyton continued.
“If I wouldn’t have came in when I did I probably wouldn’t have made it through the weekend.”
Thankfully, she did.

The pair are now adjusting to the sudden and dramatic change in their lives, but they’re adapting to the task well so far.
They have both admitted that they wanted to have kids together someday, so they’re happy that the day has arrived – even if it is a little bit earlier than they had envisaged.
Travis said: “Now that I’ve actually held him, fed him and things like that it’s real.
“He’s actually mine.”
All’s well that ends well, in this case.
Topics: Health