A woman has been applauded online after she refused to cook for her boyfriend's friend when he turned up to dinner unannounced.
The unnamed woman took to Reddit to divulge details of the incident, as she shared all on the 'Am I The A**hole?' forum.

The 22-year old-woman had been expecting her partner home at 8pm for dinner, but he was tardy until an hour later when he came through the door with a friend.
Writing on the Reddit post, the woman said: "I greeted his friend and asked my boyfriend to follow me in the kitchen. I asked him why he was late and what was his friend doing here. He said that on his way home, he ran into the friend, they went to get drinks and when he saw the time, he invited him to eat with us.
"I asked why he didn’t warned me before allowing him to come eat with us. He answered he didn’t think it’d bother me.
"When I told him that I didn’t cooked enough for three, he said that it wasn’t too late for me to cook more for his friend."
This wasn't going to fly, as the woman outright refused.
She wrote: "He asked what was his friend supposed to eat then, I replied that he could either cook for his friend or give him my plate and then went to bed after saying a quick goodbye to his friend.
"I heard the front door open and shut minutes later and I fell asleep.
"When I woke up, I’d received a couple of texts from my boyfriend saying that my behaviuor yesterday was very rude, that his friend had felt unwelcome and me being mad at him wasn’t an excuse for the way I had treated his friend.
"I didn’t replied but now I feel guilty because I didn’t want to make his friend feel unwelcome."

Although she felt guilty, many Reddit users assured her that she'd done nothing wrong.
One fumed: "Definitely NTA [Not the a**hole] but your bf and his friend sound like a couple of spoiled children. If they don't realise how rude it is to not only show up late with no call or text then expect you to cook for them at 9 pm & be mad when you don't - well then good luck communicating anything with your bf. Those boys need to learn some manners!"
Another wrote: "Good job standing up yourself," as
While a third said: "Your boyfriend was insensitive, rude, and terribly clueless to not ASK you if it was okay if he brought a friend, never mind that he didn't call to say he'd be late, especially since practically everyone now has a cell phone.
"Nip this behaviour in the bud."
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Reddit