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Nail tech reveals one thing you shouldn’t ‘take personally’ if you notice it when having your nails done

Nail tech reveals one thing you shouldn’t ‘take personally’ if you notice it when having your nails done

One person took to Reddit to find out how to navigate the tricky situation

There are many important relationships you’ll have to navigate throughout your life, and it’s not just the romantic ones you need to prioritise.

Yep, a good nail tech is surely just as vital as a loyal spouse – okay, almost as vital – meaning once you’ve found a good’un, you’re not going to want to let them be the one that got away.

But it turns out many of us are equally as vulnerable when it comes to heading to the salon as we are in our own domestic relationships, as one Reddit user proved when they shared a burning question they’d had.

One person took to Reddit to gain some insight to one particular issue they'd been facing (Getty Stock Images)
One person took to Reddit to gain some insight to one particular issue they'd been facing (Getty Stock Images)

“I recently found a great nail salon near me with prices that fit my budget and the quality of my nails always turn out absolutely amazing, she’s an acrylic specialist and she always is up on the trends - I love my nail tech so much,” she began.

“There’s only one thing and it is leaving me wondering about nail salon etiquette, maybe some nail techs here could answer?”

The woman went on to say that she’d been ‘trying to build up rapport’ with her nail technician, but wasn’t getting particularly good vibes back.

“I get the feeling she just isn’t interested in chatting - which I really don’t mind but I don’t want her to think I am not interested in speaking to her,” she said.

“I am sure she is trying to concentrate and I notice most of the artist/acrylic specialist techs don’t speak to their clients?

“I really appreciate her so much (and always tip generously to show that) and I just don’t want her to think I am not interested in her but I can’t sit there in silence anymore.

“Should I ask her if I should just listen to a podcast or something? How should I bring this up with her?”

While many other Reddit users joked that their nail tech not being chatty was one of the key reasons why they liked them so much, others tried to reassure the original poster.

“Nail tech here, I just match my client,” one explained.

“If they are chatty, I try to talk and engage without stopping what I'm doing. If they're quiet, I'm quiet.”

They urged: “But, don't take it personally. She might be concentrating like you said, and also most of us are paid by commission so we need to get as many clients as possible per day. If you talk, the appointment takes longer.

“Whenever I do my friend's nails I can take 3 hours just chatting and gossiping lol. But, time is money!”

Others also agreed it’s likely that the nail tech just wants to focus on the job in hand, with another writing: “Some people cannot do both. It's obvious she takes pride in her work your nails are beautiful. Maybe she cannot have a conversation and do such a wonderful job. Just listen to your podcast with one ear and listen if she asks you to do something.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Beauty, Reddit, Style, Social Media