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People left gobsmacked after reading ‘What Not To Wear’ book from 2002

People left gobsmacked after reading ‘What Not To Wear’ book from 2002

It seems body positivity wasn't a thing back in the early Noughties

A TikToker sparked a heated response after sharing her unexpected second-hand find: a best-selling early Noughties book called What Not To Wear. You can take a look at some of the outrageous fashion tips inside in the video below:

This ruthless style guide was written by British fashion experts Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine who presented a primetime BBC TV programme of the same name which ran from 2001 to 2007.

The TV show was hooked on the premise that the pair would find a woman with terrible fashion sense, tell her how awful she looked and then overhaul her style with a makeover.

It seems body positivity wasn't a thing back in the day.

In the first of a three-part video series, model and interiors specialist Aimee (@aimeedoeslife) shares the book’s controversial contents page. It guides readers to sections on how to dress when you have 'no t**s', 'saddlebags' and 'thick ankles'.

Aimee laughs at a photo of Susannah's not-at-all-large waistline, which is accompanied by the seemingly-ludicrous tip: "Don’t wear a belted coat because it increases the width of your uncontrollable girth.”

Uncontrollable girth?

Elsewhere, another tragic excerpt from the book reads: "No tight tops because they always roll up to reveal a pillow of flab hanging over your waistband."

Thankfully, not all of the fashion gurus' harsh advice has stood the test of time. And some of the pair's more dubious tips came in for real criticism in the comments section.

One user write: "The 2000s had no business being that toxic. I hated the way I looked AS A CHILD!"

Another responded: "Me too! They were so mean. Early 00s diet culture and standards were so messed up.”

A third joked: "I can't believe this book is serious. I feel like it has to be satire. The way it's written... I can't."

It seems some millennials fought back against Trinny and Susannah's makeover tips.

A fifth commented: "I think the reason I own so many horizontal stripes is just to spite these two!"

Aimee agreed: "OMG, yes!! Haha. Vertical stripes only for slimming."

A pillow of flab?

The TV show ran for seven series, but eventually went off-air in 2007.

Susannah says the show wouldn't work today, explaining in an interview with the Radio Times that 'people are fed up of being told what to do'.

She also described the modern need to avoid causing offence as 'exhausting'.

Tyla has contacted the BBC for comment.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@aimeedoeslife

Topics: Style, TV And Film, TikTok

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