There's certainly no shortage of interesting characters at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Whether it's the professors we love to hate (we're looking at you, Dolores Umbridge) or the iconic Minerva McGonagall, they're characters that will stand the test of time.
It's a thrill, then, when we notice something new about the staff of Hogwarts.
In this case, it's none other than Professor Filius Flitwick, a Charms Master and head of the Ravenclaw House.
Played by Warrick Davis in the films, Professor Flitwick undergoes quite a dramatic transformation between the second and third Harry Potter films.
In both The Philsopher's Stone and The Chamber Of Secrets, Professor Flitwick is balding with a long grey beard. His stand-out scene is, of course, Harry, Ron, and Hemione's first Charms lesson, in which he teaches them the famous Wingardium Leviosa spell.
However, from The Prisoner of Azkaban onwards, Flitwick looks a good deal younger, with brown parted hair, round spectacles, and a strong moustache.
But what was the reason for the dramatic change?
Well, director Alfonso Cuarón might be to blame for that one.
Cuarón took over from Chris Columbus as director for the third film before eventually passing the baton on to Mike Newell for The Goblet Of Fire.
Many hardcore Potterheads know Alfonso Cuarón as the director who strayed furthest from the original novels, determined to put his own twist on the wizarding world. This involved everything from cutting a number of scenes from the book to changing up the layout of Hogwarts - and eventually changing up Professor Flitwick's entire look!
Although Professor Flitwick was not supposed to appear in The Prisoner of Azkaban, Cuarón wanted to bring actor Warrick Davis back to play another role in the film.
With his new look, he appears as conductor of the frog chorus and is credited only as "Wizard".
But when director Michael Newell took over for The Goblet of Fire, he decided to keep Warrick's conductor look for Professor Flitwick's return.
Noticing the change on Reddit, some fans joked that Flitwick had simply gotten some work done.
"Obviously some beautification potion, face lift, Botox. Mid life crisis type thing" joked one user.
Another simply wrote: "glow up".
"Shave and a dye job" commented a third.
Topics: TV And Film, Harry Potter