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Katie Piper suffers ‘bad infection’ whilst undergoing ‘unexpected’ procedure after eye is sewn shut for a year

Katie Piper suffers ‘bad infection’ whilst undergoing ‘unexpected’ procedure after eye is sewn shut for a year

The Loose Women star shared another health update with her fans on social media

Acid attack survivor Katie Piper has shared a health update with fans after suffering a 'bad infection' following an 'unexpected medical procedure'

Last year, the 40-year-old writer and activist opened up about how she’d undergone surgery on her left eye, as part of ongoing recovery from her horrific acid attack in March 2008 which left her blind in one eye and major damage to her face.

The procedure, known as a Tarsorrhaphy, works to join part or all of the upper and lower eyelids to completely close the eye, and can either help the cornea to heal or protect it temporarily.

Recently, Stone underwent emergency surgery after noticing 'a black circle in my blind eye' and later experiencing intense eye pain.

Unfortunately, it appears there were some complications.

The Loose Women star took to social media yesterday (19 June) to share the latest update with her 1.1 million Instagram followers after she unable to appear on her Breakfast Show on ITV over the weekend as she needed to stay in hospital.

She started off by thanking her fans for all their supportive messages before reassuring them: "I'm good, I'm doing fine.

"I know lots of you have had trauma and things happen to you that means maybe you live with disease, disability, sickness, or maybe some kind of mental scars if not physical scars.

Katie Piper assured fans she was 'doing fine' in an Instagram video. (Instagram/@katiepiper_)
Katie Piper assured fans she was 'doing fine' in an Instagram video. (Instagram/@katiepiper_)

"And you’ll know that sometimes, as determined as you are to not let that come into your present or your future, or make you different from everybody else, sometimes the annoying thing is you are different from other people and medical things happen and they can hold you back even if it is temporary.

"And that is what has happened to me recently unfortunately. I was so gutted to not be a part of the breakfast show."

Katie continued: "Anyone who knows me will know I hate calling in sick for work or letting people down or not showing up, and unfortunately that’s what happened."

Katie Piper has had her eye sewn shut to help 'preserve' her eye.

She explained that there were some problems with her retina which she had not yet experienced, given that the main issue was previously to do with her cornea.

"I had further complications and quite a bad infection," she carried on. "I’ve had to admit defeat and say as much as I don’t want any of my past to determine my future, sometimes I have to accept that that is part of being a burn survivor, and it’s held me back and got me down for the past couple of weeks, but now I’m recovered and better."

Katie did, however, assure fans of her next steps, saying that she had returned to work this week and was already feeling a lot more like her 'old self'.

She rounded off the post: "I’m learning to be more patient with myself and never take the little things for granted, because they definitely the big things."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@/katiepiper_

Topics: Celebrity, Health, UK News