Former reality TV star Louise Thompson has admitted she found her fiancé in tears after she made a 'powerful' health announcement on her Instagram.
Louise was one of the OG Made In Chelsea cast and had amassed a huge following for her style, beauty hacks and lifestyle content.
But one thing she kept from fans was a personal struggle which has impacted her entire life.
Having been incredibly open with her postpartum issues, fans were surprised after finding out that she had been keeping something incredibly personal to herself while she navigated her new life.
However, once she shared her news with the world in the hope it would bring awareness to the condition, her fiancé found it difficult to keep his composure.

The 34-year-old went on to find her fiancé Ryan Libbey crying on his own while watching her video about her stoma bag.
Thompson posted to her Instagram page that she had been suffering from ulcerative colitis and had recently undergone procedure to fit the stoma.
She explained that she ‘didn't want to hide' her condition as she showed off her bag.
But she went on to share how she ‘busted’ her partner watching the video after hearing the music from their bedroom.
She wrote: “Ryan never cries but just after I posted the announcement yesterday I busted him watching the video on his own in our bedroom (I heard the song as I opened the door) and I saw him crying. He said he needed a moment alone.
“As a result I was a bit teary in the taxi on my way to the recording studio yesterday. But only because I'd made him upset. I'm the sort of loser that cries when I see other people cry.

“This evening he told me that he was proud of me (he's not a big verbal' words man so it meant a lot because I knew he REALLY meant it). He also said he thought the delivery was perfect. He's typically quite private so this felt quite different.
“He's definitely struggled to adjust to all of this change. Mainly because he hates that he can't take away the pain from me. I think he also feels really sorry for me and for my poor innocent body.
“I've received a lot of messages from the family members of people going through something similar so I know how significant it is for loved ones close to someone suffering. They need checking in on too.
“Anyway I was rather surprised that he thought it was so powerful because I believe I have written much more compelling things about my journey. I guess i can share those over the coming weeks too. As and when I find the time... and the confidence of course. X”
Later, she reacted to the overwhelming support she had received, writing: “I'm actually quite overwhelmed by the response to my video because it felt like such a simple thing to do.

“But maybe that's just because I'm desensitised. Everything feels like a bit of a doddle compared to the tricky road that's led me to this place. Even the response from friends and family has been momentous.
“I also feel INCREDIBLY honoured to be able to help so many people. Really, Genuinely, it feels like the biggest privilege.
“Anyone in my position who has been through something similar would 100 percent agree. Turning something bad into something good is pretty special and keeps us going.
“As well as the ability to connect with thousands of similar people. Because what feels better than that? Nothing.
“I just wish everyone going through a tough time felt like they had an army of people matching behind them too.”
Topics: Made In Chelsea, Reality TV, Health