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Bridgerton star reveals a ‘fiery’ sex scene between one couple was cut from season 3

Bridgerton star reveals a ‘fiery’ sex scene between one couple was cut from season 3

Martins Imhangbe praised the Netflix period drama for how it handles the more intimate moments

Whether you're someone who knows a smidge about everyone's favourite period drama or a full-blown Bridgerton fanatic - you'll know that the show is notorious for its extremely spicy sex scenes.

From the whole carriage debacle all the way through to the mirror mayhem, Netflix viewers have been treated to healthy dose of steamy viewing material over the past weeks.

And now, one Bridgerton star has opened up about a 'fiery' sex scene featuring one couple which was cut altogether from the third season.

Speaking to Digital Spy about his time on set, Martins Imhangbe, who plays Will Mondrich, revealed that there was a 'whole scene' where Will and Alice (played by Emma Naomi) 'do it everywhere'.

He continued: "Then the kids interrupt. There was all this stuff that happened.

"There's something about coming to the house then - now that we've put aside all the rules, we kind of enjoy the house, you know?"

The 32-year-old actor continued: "[Will and Alice have] been together for years, like 12 plus years, and there is a myth that married couples don't still have fiery sex like the new couples do.

Martins Imhangbe, who plays Will Mondrich, opened up about the 'fiery' sex scene which was cut. (Netflix)
Martins Imhangbe, who plays Will Mondrich, opened up about the 'fiery' sex scene which was cut. (Netflix)

"So I think there's something [in showing] that you can still have that passion, that fire 12 years on, 15, 20 years on."

While Martins wasn't entirely sure why the sex scene 'didn't make the cut', he teased that showrunners were possibly being 'saved for another season'.

"I think that there's something [in] the show that might be coming down the line, but it would be good to see a married couple hold that [passionate] space too," he explained.

The actor praised Bridgerton for how it handles the more intimate moments between characters. (Netflix)
The actor praised Bridgerton for how it handles the more intimate moments between characters. (Netflix)

With all that said, however, Martins made sure to praise the way the show handled the more - ahem - raunchy scenes.

He carried on: "There's no stigma and shame between the people who are having sex. It's just very equal footing.

"I think that's very empowering for both parties, because it doesn't feel like one person is kind of just getting their own thrill, like it feels like there's a care."

Martins added: "That they're twin flames, that there's a sense of them doing it together as opposed to like, 'Oh, I'm getting my fix or whatever'. So I love that about the show, that it's not just one side. It's very, very mutual."

Tyla has contacted Netflix for comment.

Bridgerton season three is currently availably to stream on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Bridgerton, Period Drama, TV And Film, Netflix