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Bridgerton fans gutted after season 4 gets disappointing update

Bridgerton fans gutted after season 4 gets disappointing update

Bridgerton showrunner Jess Brownell has given fans an update

Bridgerton fans have been left well and truly gutted after season four received a disappointing update.

The period drama's showrunner, Jess Brownell, has teased exactly when we can start the countdown for our latest fix of the 'ton - but it's clear many Netflix viewers are far from happy.

Opening up about which character the next season will centre around, Jess revealed to The Hollywood Reporter: "I have almost slipped up a couple of times, so keep asking, and maybe I’ll slip up.

"I’m really excited about what we’re writing. We’re toward the end with the writers room season, with the scripts. And I feel like it’s some of my best work and my writers room’s best work. We’ve just really gelled our collaboration, and we’re firing on all cylinders, so I can’t wait for fans to see what we have."

She continued, sharing with fans just how long they'll have to wait for the next season: "We are working to try and put the seasons out more quickly, but they do take eight months to film and then they have to be edited, and then they have to be dubbed into every language.

Bridgerton showrunner Jess Brownell has revealed when we can expect season 4 to land. (Netflix)
Bridgerton showrunner Jess Brownell has revealed when we can expect season 4 to land. (Netflix)

"And the writing takes a very long time as well, so we’re kind of on a two-year pace, we’re trying to speed up, but somewhere in that range."

Fans have since rushed to social media to share their outrage over the two-year wait with one Facebook user writing: "Why not! Too long to wait."

A second hit out: "This is my big issue with streaming services it takes forever to release new seasons."

"This is torture!" exclaimed a third while a fourth slammed: "That’s ridiculous."

Another echoed: "This is my big issue with streaming services it takes forever to release new seasons."

Get yourself strapped in for a two-year wait, guys. (Netflix)
Get yourself strapped in for a two-year wait, guys. (Netflix)

And a final Facebook user joked: "One reason to live until then!"

When asked about whether fans would be happy with the direction of season four, Jess added: "I think it’s hard to say. There’s so many different ships. I think one of the ships is going to be very, very happy."

"I am so proud of how this season has performed and so grateful to the fans for tuning in. Every season, the momentum builds more and more, and we have a debt to pay to the actors in seasons one and two for helping build enthusiasm. Then, I think Nicola and Luke have helped build a lot of enthusiasm."

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, TV And Film, Period Drama, Bridgerton