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Bridgerton viewers threaten to boycott series after author Julia Quinn confirms future storyline

Bridgerton viewers threaten to boycott series after author Julia Quinn confirms future storyline

Netflix viewers are far from happy with the latest update from the 'ton

Dearest gentle readers: This article contains spoilers for Bridgerton

Bridgerton viewers have threatened to boycott the series after author Julia Quinn confirmed the future storyline.

Julia took to Facebook yesterday (25 June) to share the news, warning readers that the update contains spoilers for anyone yet to read the book When He Was Wicked.

She began: "Dear Readers—

"Many Bridgerton fans have expressed their surprise, and for some, disappointment in the twist at the end of Bridgerton Season 3--that Michael Stirling, with whom Francesca eventually falls in love in When He Was Wicked, would instead be Michaela.

"Anyone who has seen an interview with me from the past four years knows that I am deeply committed to the Bridgerton world becoming more diverse and inclusive as the stories move from book to screen. But switching the gender of a major character is a huge change, and so when Jess Brownell first approached me with the idea of turning Michael into Michaela for the show, I needed more information before conferring my agreement."

Bridgerton's author, Julia Quinn, shared an update with fans about season 4's storyline. (Netflix)
Bridgerton's author, Julia Quinn, shared an update with fans about season 4's storyline. (Netflix)

The author assured that while she trusted Shondaland's vision for Bridgerton, she wanted to be sure that they 'could remain true to the spirit of the book and of the characters'.

Julia added that she and Jess 'talked for a long time about it' and 'more than once', stating: "I made it clear that it was extremely important to me that Francesca's abiding love for John be shown on screen.

"When I wrote When He Was Wicked I actually had to fight to have the first four chapters, which establish that love, included.

"My publisher was worried that writing about Fran's love for John would take away from Michael's role as the eventual romance novel hero. But I felt that if I didn't show how deeply she loved John, and how deeply Michael, his cousin, also loved him, then their feelings of guilt at falling in love with each other after John’s death made no sense. I didn't want to just tell the reader that they loved him. I wanted the reader to feel it."

Julia took the opportunity to thank her readers and fans for their feedback. (Netflix)
Julia took the opportunity to thank her readers and fans for their feedback. (Netflix)

Julia went on to write that she is 'confident' now that when Francesca has her Bridgerton season, it will be 'the most emotional and heart-wrenching story of the show' just like When He Was Wicked has always been the 'true tear-jerker of the Bridgerton book series'.

"Honestly, it may pack even more of a punch, since John is getting a lot more time on the screen than he ever did on the page, and I think it's fair to say we've all fallen a little bit in love with him," she continued before thanking her readers and fans for their feedback.

Julia rounded off the post: "I am grateful for your understanding and touched by your deep commitment to the characters of the Bridgerton world.

"I ask that you grant me and the Shondaland team some faith as we move forward. I think we are going to end up with two stories, one on page and one on screen, and they will both be beautiful and moving."

It seems some Netflix viewers were far from happy with the update with one Facebook user hitting out: "I will not watch her season but I will always be grateful for the book. Your story was truly a beautiful one. Thank you. We will forever have the pages."

"This was an insult to your fans," slammed a second.

A third echoed: "I appreciate your perspective and the artistic freedom, but I love Francesca and Michael’s story the way it was written and I’m heartbroken that we won’t get to see it. I think such a storyline would have worked well with one of the characters that wasn’t so fully developed in the books.

"I just have no interest in watching it now. I love your books, though!"

Others, however, were totally A-okay with the change with one praising: "I love Bridgerton, and I appreciate your efforts at inclusion and diversity. Thank you for this."

And another echoed: "Julia, as ever, I admire your grace, your graciousness, and your expansive vision."

Well, I for one have been absolutely loving 'ton so far and can't wait to see all the twists and turns season 4 has in store for us!

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Books, Bridgerton, Netflix, TV And Film, Period Drama