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Shocking amount of time it took to make Queen Charlotte’s swan wig for season 3

Shocking amount of time it took to make Queen Charlotte’s swan wig for season 3

Golda Rosheuvel, who plays Bridgerton's Queen Charlotte, said the wig was 'a genius moment of beautiful crafting, storytelling'

When watching Bridgerton, it's impossible not to be enamoured by the attention to detail - and now one of the actresses has revealed just how much goes in to making it perfect for viewers.

Like any good period drama, the Bridgerton universe is bursting with ornate outfits, impeccable makeup and seriously impressive wigs.

It's done so well that a good binge-watch of the romantic drama might have you thinking you're living in the Regency-era.

The first half of the third season of Bridgerton landed on Netflix on 16 May, with the final four episodes forthcoming on 13 June.

While we wait with bated breath for the second half that will see Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) and Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) announce their engagement to the 'Ton, we're busy finding out any and all gossip we can from behind the scenes.

When all eyes aren't on Colin and Penelope, attention is focused on Queen Charlotte, portrayed by Golda Rosheuvel.

The immaculate royal commands attention when on screen, thanks to her steely gaze and perfectly coiffed-wigs.

In an interview with PEOPLE, Rosheuvel shared that she wanted to talk about her iconic swan wig from season three.

The show-stopping swan wig was designed by Erika Ökvist. (Netflix)
The show-stopping swan wig was designed by Erika Ökvist. (Netflix)

She said: "I mean, that’s like a genius moment of beautiful crafting, storytelling.

"That took two years in the making for it to all be signed off. Cause it’s certain departments that have to be involved in making that. There’s a battery pack that has to be made, there’s wires that have to be connected.”

The show-stopping wig was designed by Erika Ökvist.

Rosheuvel added: "She always wanted to make a wig with machinery, but what that was evolved through the two years, and we eventually ended up with what you see onscreen."

Well, now we appreciate it even more.

Queen Charlotte is famed for her incredible wigs. (Netflix)
Queen Charlotte is famed for her incredible wigs. (Netflix)

We also appreciated it when we found out the two leads, who ooze with chemistry, got so carried away filming one of their now-iconic sex scenes that they literally broke a piece of furniture.

Nicola told Buzzfeed: "There's sometimes, in a scene, you feel like it's just working. We were like 'yeah, this is sexy, this is cool'.

"So we were really going for it. And then the next thing we just heard 'boom'.

"The piece of furniture collapsed under us. We snapped it. It was a very clean, satisfying clean break."

She continued: "It wasn't a bed. Someone said candlestick and I said 'what did you think we were doing?'

"I would say it was a piece of furniture that you would more see in the past than the present. But yeah, we did break it during a sexy scene."

Bridgerton season 3 part two lands on Netflix on 13 June.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Beauty, Bridgerton, Netflix, Period Drama, TV And Film, Hair