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Body language expert breaks down Married At First Sight UK bride’s savage reaction to groom’s ‘cheap’ behaviour at altar

Body language expert breaks down Married At First Sight UK bride’s savage reaction to groom’s ‘cheap’ behaviour at altar

The expert said the prank-pulling MAFS groom was 'anxious'

A body language expert has revealed exactly what a Married at First Sight UK bride was thinking after her groom pulled an embarrassing prank at the altar.

Channel 4 released a controversial teaser ahead of the new season being released in September - and one clip has gone truly viral.

In the video, a 28-year-old mechanic named Kieran can be seen waiting patiently for his wife-to-be at the altar, but viewers noticed something was seemingly wrong with his teeth.

He turned around to the congregation to reveal a hideous set of fake nashers, in an attempt to see whether his bride was up for a laugh or not.

The prank didn't exactly play out like he planned...(Channel 4)
The prank didn't exactly play out like he planned...(Channel 4)

Talking to viewers in the teaser, Kieran said: "This could really end up bad.

"I just want to know if this girl's fun."

And it didn't go down like a lead balloon at first, when the blushing bride Kristina burst into laughter.

But things took a turn for the worst, when she remarked: "These teeth.

"What the f**k?"

Viewers were left dying to know more about the outcome of the soon-to-be newly weds, and thankfully, a body language expert has decoded everything we need to know.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, expert Darren Stanton gave us some real insight into what everyone was thinking.

Kieran looked nervous

The prank didn't seem to go down to well with wife Kristina. (Channel 4)
The prank didn't seem to go down to well with wife Kristina. (Channel 4)

Despite being the one to pull the seemingly hilarious prank, Stanton says it was the groom that displayed some anxious tendencies.

He said: "He was sweating, looked visibly tense, and had all the classic signs of worry written across his face.

"His eyebrows were together, his forehead was crinkled and he was sweating a lot.

"When his bride Kristina came in, she started laughing in his direction, and I think she actually got the joke straight away."

But then things took a turn for the worst...

He continued: "When Kieran said, ‘what are you laughing at?’ that turned into horror, and shock as she must have thought she’d put her foot in it."

Kristina is clued up

Kristina appeared horrified by the prank. (Channel 4)
Kristina appeared horrified by the prank. (Channel 4)

Discussing Kristina's first impressions, he said: "She put on the greatest fake smile of embarrassment instead, and changed from outgoing and happy to more reserved.

"She brought her shoulders in, which is what people do when they’re nervous - they make themselves as small as possible.

"Overall, it was quite an immature thing to do, which didn’t come across well with the bride.”

He didn't get the in-law's seal of approval

And Stanton clocked that the in-laws weren't exactly impressed with Kierans impractical joke.

He noted: "We can see the mother-in-law dip her head down which denotes shame, and she also shows a flash of disgust - she is not happy.

"I think the groom realises it’s not gone down well with everything, and appears to be mortified himself.

His final impression was that he doesn't believe it's 'going to be a relationship that lasts'.

Featured Image Credit: Channel 4

Topics: Married At First Sight, Reality TV, TV And Film, Wedding, Married at First Sight UK