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Shrek 5 gets extremely exciting update from Eddie Murphy

Shrek 5 gets extremely exciting update from Eddie Murphy

The countdown for the next instalment of the beloved Dreamworks franchise isn't too far away now

Shrek is arguably one of the most iconic animated film franchises from our childhood.

The beloved film franchise currently boasts six feature-length animated flicks including the OG Shrek (2001), Shrek 2 (2004), Shrek the Third (2007), and Shrek Forever After (2010) and the two Puss in Boots films.

Over the years, the films have found a place in both cinematic history as well as in our hearts, with many of us totally in love with the batch of extremely loveable characters.

The countdown begins for the next Shrek flick to hit our screens... (Dreamworks)
The countdown begins for the next Shrek flick to hit our screens... (Dreamworks)

There's obviously Shrek, voiced by Mike Myers, Princess Fiona portrayed by the stunning Cameron Diaz and Puss in Boots played by Antonio Banderas.

But everyone's favourite is, of course, Donkey played by none other than Eddie Murphy.

Dreamworks audiences were first introduced to the character in the first Shrek film back in the early 2000s and we've not gotten over his antics since.

It's been well over a decade since Shrek Forever After hit our screens so I'm sure we're all itching to get our next fix of the comedy-fantasy franchise.

And now, Shrek 5 has just received an extremely exciting update from the Hollywood A-lister.

Donkey is set to have his very own spin-off movie. (Netflix)
Donkey is set to have his very own spin-off movie. (Netflix)

According to Murphy, filming for the next Shrek film in the franchise kicked off earlier this year.

Speaking to Collider, the Doctor Dolittle star said: "We started doing Shrek 4 or [Shrek] 5 months ago."

He went on to reveal: "I did this, I recorded the first act, and we'll be doing it this year, we’ll finish it up.

"Shrek is coming out, and Donkey's gonna have his own movie."

Brb, we're just hyperventilating over here.

"We're gonna do Donkey as well. So we're gonna do a Shrek, and we're doing a Donkey [movie]," Murphy clarified.

He also elaborated on the plans for his character's solo film, explaining that he didn't do the voice recordings for both projects simultaneously.

Eddie Murphy has revealed an exciting update about the upcoming movie. (Dreamworks)
Eddie Murphy has revealed an exciting update about the upcoming movie. (Dreamworks)

"No, not at the same time. I started recording Shrek, I think it's coming out in 2025, and we're doing a Donkey one next," Murphy wrapped up.

Back in 2023, Murphy told Entertainment that he'd be up for doing a fifth Shrek 'in two seconds' if he was ever asked to reprise the role.

"I love Donkey," Murphy said. "You know, they did Puss in Boots movies. I was like, 'They should have did a Donkey movie. Donkey is funnier than Puss in Boots.

"I mean, I love Puss in Boots, but he ain’t funny as the Donkey. … I would do a Donkey movie. I would do another 'Shrek' in two seconds."

The countdown begins...

Featured Image Credit: Dreamworks

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