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Viewers ‘f*****g obsessed’ with ‘insane’ raunchy period drama Bridgerton fans should watch

Viewers ‘f*****g obsessed’ with ‘insane’ raunchy period drama Bridgerton fans should watch

This should help keep you occupied while you wait for the next part of Bridgerton's latest season to drop

There's not long to go now until all us period drama fanatics can finally sink our teeth into the second part of Bridgterton's newly-released third season.

And I'm sure many of us can't wait to rattle through all the episodes in a single sitting once they land on Netflix on 13 June.

So, to fill the time in the interim, many fans of the 'ton have been looking elsewhere to get their latest period drama fix and viewers are now 'f*****g obsessed' with one particularly 'insane' raunchy series.

It follows one infamous family's scandalous story. (Paramount+)
It follows one infamous family's scandalous story. (Paramount+)

The series, which first hit our screens way back when in 2011, is set in Renaissance-era Italy - the 15th century - and follows one infamous family's scandalous ascension to becoming the pinnacle of the Catholic Church.

Dubbed as one of history's most notorious crime families, they use bribery, war, intimidation and murder in their absolutely relentless quest for wealth and power.

The patriarch of the family, Rodrigo Borgia, gets his two sons married to the daughters of rival families and works his way up the ranks to become Pope through extortion and torture.

Oh yeah, and there's a bunch of steamy sex scenes.

The series first hit our screens way back when in 2011. (Paramount+)
The series first hit our screens way back when in 2011. (Paramount+)

It stars the likes of Jeremy Irons as Pope Alexander VI with François Arnaud as Cesare, Holliday Grainger as Lucrezia and David Oakes as Juan.

Colm Feore also stars as Cardinal della Rovere - later Pope Julius II.

Boasting three seasons, which 27 episodes available to watch, it's clear this one is great for some weekend viewing material.

If you hadn't already guessed it, the series is none other than The Borgias and, despite its major throwback status, fans of Bridgerton have been absolutely loving it.

Check out the official trailer here:

One X user penned: "The Borgias was soooo ahead of its time. A show for real sickos that society was not yet ready for in 2011."

Talking about both The Tudors and The Borgias, another wrote: "We are so lucky that showtime released these shows before stan Twitter culture actually."

"Nah this is so true," agreed a third. "It would have been war everyday. Glad I got to experience both of these peacefully 10 years ago. My obsession with The Borgias was truly something."

Someone else praised: "@ The Borgias writing room you were insane I respect that."

"Me with The Borgias bc :) i’m :) f*****g :) obsessed :)," gushed a final user.

Well, that's this weekend sorted.

The Borgias is currently available to stream on Paramount+.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount+

Topics: TV And Film, Netflix, Bridgerton, Period Drama, Tyla Recommends