A sleep expert has shared that sleeping with your socks on is actually good for you, and is a key factor in getting a deeper sleep.
If you've landed on the other side of this years-long heated debate, and are an extreme anti-sock-wearer, then all I can say is, I'm sorry.
Martin Seeley, CEO of MattressNextDay and sleep expert, confirmed it himself while urging people to consider the importance of a deeper night's sleep.
So if you care about your sleep - which you should - you'd better be keeping those feet warm.
Deep sleep is an important stage of the sleep cycle that provides many benefits to the body and brain, but a lot of people aren't reaching that point for a sufficient amount of time, if at all.

Not reaching deep sleep can be a worry, especially since research has found that we need a good amount of deep sleep to keep our immune system strong.
Of the seven to nine hours the average adult should be sleeping, about 10-15 percent of it should be deep sleep.
Offering some top tips to make sure you're getting enough of that deep, deep sleep, Seeley said: "Wearing socks to bed can help warm up your feet, which can signal to your body that it's time to sleep. This can help you fall asleep faster and experience deeper sleep."
He added that wearing socks can help 'improve circulation' which promotes relaxation and makes it 'easier to fall asleep'.
"Furthermore, when your feet are cold, your body may divert energy away from your extremities to keep your core warm, which can make it harder to fall into a deep sleep. By wearing socks, you can help prevent this energy diversion and promote deeper, more restful sleep."
And the evidence backs it up, too.
A 2022 study found that adults who wore either normal or heated socks in bed got to sleep faster than those who didn't.
That's because, at night, a person's core body temperature begins to drop and wearing socks helps increase the blood flow to your hands and feet, otherwise known as 'distal vasodilation'. This process cools your core temperature and makes you fall asleep quicker.
Seeley added:" Overall, wearing socks to bed can be a simple and effective way to promote a more restful, deep sleep."
But if the idea of wearing socks to bed still makes your skin crawl, then don't worry, as there are plenty of other methods you can try to ensure a deeper sleep.
For example, setting a relaxing bedtime routine to help your body and mind relax is essential.
This could include taking a warm bath, practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing, or reading a book.
Plus, making sure your room is conducive to sleep, by keeping it quiet, cool, and dark with a comfortable mattress and breathable bedding will make all the difference.
Lavender oil - or pretty much lavender anything - is another go-to for a good night's sleep.
The scents calming and soothing properties are guaranteed to help promote relaxation.
And while you're collecting your sleep essentials, weighted blankets can be super helpful. They can provide gentle pressure that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
So no need to force those socks on yourself just yet.
Topics: Health