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Two red flags to look out for that could mean your hay fever is actually something else

Two red flags to look out for that could mean your hay fever is actually something else

Those hay fever sniffles you've been suffering may actually end up being something else

We often mostly associate illnesses with winter, but let's face it: we can never really escape the wrath of the lurgy.

Whether it's a cold you've picked up on the bus or a sickness bug your kid's kindly passed on from nursery, sometimes it feels relentless whatever month you're in.

And with summer, many people have also got the added obstacle of hay fever to dodge.

This year, there's also a new Covid variant doing the rounds, with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) saying that Covid hospital admissions increased by 24 percent last week, up to Sunday, with a rate of 3.31 per 100,000 people – up from 2.67 per 100,000 the previous week.

There's always the added stress of not wanting to make anyone else ill, but that's tricky if we don't actually know what's wrong with us.

Is iy hay fever, or something else? (Martin Leigh/Getty Images)
Is iy hay fever, or something else? (Martin Leigh/Getty Images)

While a stomach bug will always make itself pretty clear, a cold, hay fever and Covid all share similar symptoms.

So how can we know? Should you really hold off heading into the office if those sneezes are probably just down to pollen? Should you rethink seeing an elderly relative if that cough isn't just down to pollen?

According to Kleenex, there are a few subtle differences that might help you get to the bottom of what’s plaguing you - including two huge red flags that may show it's not hay fever after all.

Symptoms of both Covid and hay fever

There are some symptoms that both Covid and hay fever share, which may seem unhelpful at first, but could be worth bearing in mind before you jump to any conclusions.

  • Coughing and wheezing - these are key symptoms of Covid and 'lesser-known symptoms' of hay fever
  • Itchy throat and tight chest - an itchy throat from hay fever can lead to a cough and tight chest, which is exacerbated if you get pollen-induced asthma; remember, if you ever have trouble breathing, seek urgent medical advice
  • New cough - a common symptom of Covid, a new cough can also be brought on by the itchy throat hay fever sometimes gives you; it's worth remembering severe coughs can also cause breathing difficulties and shortness of breath, which can be a medical emergency
Have you experienced any sniffles recently? They may not be what you think (urbazon/Getty Images)
Have you experienced any sniffles recently? They may not be what you think (urbazon/Getty Images)

Symptoms NOT associated with hay fever

It turns out there are two specific symptoms of Covid-19 that you won’t tend to get with hay fever, which include:

  • Highly contagious: if you're ill and someone you know who doesn’t usually have hay fever suddenly comes down with symptoms, it’s likely not to be hay fever causing them
  • Fever: it may sound like hay fever would have something to do with this, but it doesn't cause a rise in body temperature of anything above 37.8C.

Symptoms NOT associated with Covid

  • Watery, itchy eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, stuffy nose

Kleenex advised: "If in doubt about these, or any other symptoms, always take recommended COVID-19 precautions and seek medical advice."

Featured Image Credit: ProfessionalStudioImage/urbazon/Getty Images

Topics: Health