A doctor has explained why parents should never send babies or children to bed wearing a hat or a hoodie, even if it gets chilly outside.
There are all sorts of cute, fluffy pyjama-style clothes out there for kids - so much so that I sometimes get jealous of them myself - and many of them come equipped with hoods to keep your little ones' heads warm.
However, while these kinds of outfits might be good for lazing around the house, an expert from the Aussie Facebook page CPR Kids has explained why youngsters shouldn't go to sleep wearing them.

CPR Kids is a group in which experienced paediatric nurses teach baby and child CPR and first aid, and in a post shared online they expressed the importance of keeping your baby's head and face uncovered during sleep.
This, the expert explained, can help reduce the risk of sudden and unexpected death, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Dr. Bec Thornton, Red Nose’s National Health Promotion Manager, said: “This is because it reduces the risk of suffocation from head coverings slipping down over your baby’s face,"
The warning applies to hats as well as hoodies, with the group advising parents to remove 'bonnets, beanies, hats, headbands, hoodies, or hooded clothing for sleep'.
Doing so will also allow the baby to better regulate their temperature, which happens through the face and head.
“Research has linked the risks of SIDS to overheating, and overheating can be caused by room heating, high body temperature, and excessive clothing or bedding,” Dr. Bec continued.
“Placing your baby on their back and keeping their head and face uncovered for sleep has been shown in the research to be protective against overheating and suffocation, and therefore reduces the risk of SIDS.”
SIDS, also known as 'cot death', refers to the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy baby.
According to the NHS, around 200 babies die suddenly and unexpectedly every year in the UK, with most deaths happening in the first six months of a baby's life.
It usually occurs when a baby is asleep, although it can occasionally happen while they're awake.
CPR Kids has been praised for sharing the advice on helping to keep children safe at night, with one grateful parent writing: "Thanks so much."
Another added: "Clothing for babies shouldn't be allowed to have hoods."
So while the child might protest at having their comfy hood taken away at night, it's better to be safe when sending them off to sleep!