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People praise dad's perfect response to daughter coming out

People praise dad's perfect response to daughter coming out

Molly Elizabeth Agnew's dad responded in the perfect way when she 'came out' - and the iconic text has now gone viral

It’s always a welcome tonic to the chaos of the internet when somebody shares something genuinely heartwarming that makes you smile.

In a sea of divisive topics and heart wrenching news, sometimes all it takes is a screenshot between a father and daughter to remind you that there are truly good people in the world.

Such was the case when 22-year-old Molly Elizabeth Agnew, from London, shared a throwback on social media about what happened when she came out as a lesbian to her dad back in 2017.

Eight years on, Molly no longer has a screenshot of her coming out text that prompted his iconic response, but she did open up to Tyla about how she felt at the time and how she did it.

Molly's coming out story is iconic. (Molly Elizabeth Agnew)
Molly's coming out story is iconic. (Molly Elizabeth Agnew)

She said: “I was lucky to grow up in an accepting environment where a close family member was already openly out and loved and so for me there was no fear of rejection from any members of my family.

“When I decided to formally tell my family I had already been comfortably out with my friends for quite some time, so really it was a case of 'oh, you should probably know this since everyone else does!' which I sent via a WhatsApp group full of family members and close family friends.”

In a now-viral post where Molly was celebrating her anniversary of coming out, her dad responded: “Hey Molly, I’ve always known you take after your papa.

“I’m also a Lesbian, have loved girls my entire life. Love you forever Molly and always here to support you.”

Molly's dad's response went viral. (Molly Elizabeth Agnew)
Molly's dad's response went viral. (Molly Elizabeth Agnew)

For a lot of people, coming out is a nerve wracking experience, but as Molly’s experience has proven, it’s made a lot easier by parents who love their children no matter what.

Molly shared: “I never had a moment of panic or concern, apart from the fact it did take my dad around an hour to send his text.

“I knew he'd seen the message but I also knew he would never have an issue with my sexuality, so he stressed me out ever so slightly.

“Turns out, he was on the phone to my mother trying to decipher what to say that would be the right tone!

“To this day, his response fills my heart with love as do all the warm responses from my loved ones in the years since.

“I am so privileged to live in a time where positive responses are more prevalent and where I knew no one in my immediate life would bat an eyelid.”

Molly said: "To this day, his response fills my heart with love." (X/@molllyelizabeth)
Molly said: "To this day, his response fills my heart with love." (X/@molllyelizabeth)

Safe to say that all people going forward can take a leaf out of Molly’s dad’s book when reacting to big news.

A lot of people felt the same way when the screenshot went viral.

One person said: “Parenting done right, with a sprinkle of humour and sent most definitely with love.”

Another chimed: “It’s such a Dad text. It’s exactly what my dad would have said and I’d have loved him all the more for it. Bless the good ones”

While a third said: “Haha I like the fact he sent a light hearted joke to lighten the mood and to reassure her that he loves her no matter who she loves. Top tier parenting that.”

We're pretty sure he deserves some kind of award.

Featured Image Credit: Molly Elizabeth Agnew

Topics: Sex and Relationships, LGBTQ+, Social Media, Parenting