As much as many of us dream of the day we'll walk down the aisle, the sad reality is that many of those 'til death do us part' vows end in divorce.
It goes without saying that this is something none of us wish for when we first make our nuptials.
So, who better to take advice from on what kind of partner to pick than a divorce lawyer?
They have front-row access to seeing what exactly makes a relationship break down.
And let's face it, it's a hell of a lot easier to determine what we're into rather than know what to straight up avoid.

Well, look no further than the insights of divorce lawyer KK who has taken to TikTok under the username @attykkl, to share her pearls of wisdom.
To be specific, she shares the careers you should steer clear of with regards to your man's profession.
“Over the course of my career, I've watched my most difficult cases. And shockingly, many of them involve men in these five professions," she begins.
While it's not a one-size fits all situation and you don't need to call up a divorce lawyer right off the bat if your other half has one of these jobs, it's still good to be in the know.

KK continues: "Just for fun, this is just generally speaking something that I've observed as being pretty common.
"What I noticed among these five professions is that they tend to be more narcissistic, they tend to be more controlling, and when I tell you the professions, you're going to see why.
"They tend to be far more difficult in dealing with a divorce. They have kind of a ‘nuke the earth, you know, scorch the earth, how dare you challenge me’ kind of approach to litigation.”
Police officers

Men are 'gods' in these five professions, KK says.
For example: "You're a policeman, you're walking around with a gun, you're walking around with authority."
Folks on Reddit suggested some reasons for high divorce rates for cops, with one writing: "Working long hours, shift work, going to court on days off. Disruptive sleep patterns and so on."
Another said: "The job changes you. A lot of divorces I have seen in my department are, 'That’s not the person I married!'”

KK says: "If you're a surgeon, you're walking around the hospital – everybody looks up to you, you're in charge, everybody treats you with respect.
"And then you come home and all of a sudden somebody's asking you to take out the trash. I think that that's a difficult kind of transition to make."
A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal found 24 percent of physicians would get divorced.
Pilots and military personnel

KK says: "When you look at pilots you cross over to the Air Force, military.
"They're in control of like 150-200 people's lives at a time. They are treated with a tremendous amount of respect, and they have a lot of responsibility. And they tend to be very narcissistic and very controlling.”
Though KK tends to see a lot of soldiers get divorced, a 2016 study found that in the UK soldiers are more likely to be married than the general population (59.4 percent vs 49.3 percent) and less likely to get divorced (3.7 percent vs 10 percent).

KK admits she's 'never really understood' why, in her experience, marriages with male firemen are more likely to end in divorce.
North Carolina law firm Speaks Family Law cites some of the reasons as a disruptive work schedule, the effects of traumatic experiences on the job and work-related stress.
KK adds: "I'm sure there are definitely great ones in these professions, but it just tends to be a theme that I see."
KK's has gone viral, gaining over 320,000 likes.
People rushed to the comments to share their own takes and experiences.
One person wrote: "Uniforms are a red flag."
Another added: "Those people are drawn to those professions because they control things and people."
A third chimed: "So basically every career little kids say they want to be when they grew up."
Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok