Topics: Health, Life, Mental Health, Periods, Sex and Relationships, Women's Health, Menopause
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Topics: Health, Life, Mental Health, Periods, Sex and Relationships, Women's Health, Menopause
It's clear we're all very interested about the birds and the bees.
Whether it's scientists' warning for women who do it less than once a week as well as their warning for men who also get it on less than once every seven days, or even simply how often couples actually engage in hanky panky - it's simply a given that we're all extremely curious when it comes to all things sex.
With that said, it's important to note that someone's relationship with sexual intercourse (no matter how much or how little) is completely unique to that individual and varies massively from person to person - so there's no real rules when it comes to what's considered an 'average' or 'right' amount of rumpy pumpy.
That fact hasn't us all from being curious about the weird and wonderful world of sex with many keen on finding out what actually happens to your body if you stop? Well, according to the experts at WebMD, quite a lot.
Up first on the rundown is your mental health.
During sex, chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins - AKA 'feel good hormones - are released and these can help you manage the effects of stress.
Additionally, the former, which is also referred to as the 'love hormone' has an added benefit of helping you get to sleep easier.
Not only do all three chemicals help reduce stress, but they aid in boosting your mood and deepening emotional intimacy with your partner - both of which contribute to better mental health overall.
For example, if you found you and your partner were previously having a noticeable amount more sex than you are now, then it could make you feel less connected to one another which could raise stress and anxiety around the relationship.
Obviously, life can also just get in the way sometimes with busy schedules, family issues and work drama too.
Sex can apparently seriously boost your immune system by increasing the production of antibodies that protect against infections.
This means you could experience less common colds and other similar illnesses.
According to the experts, one of the best things you can do for your immune system is to get enough quality sleep each night.
And, because sex is linked to better sleep, having it regularly can help strengthen your overall immune health.
If you find you get seriously bad cramps during your period, then sex may help alleviate some of the discomfort - however, this isn't the case for every person who bleeds.
The science behind it follows the reason behind why we even get cramps in the first place: because our uterus contracts to shed its lining.
Orgasms can also cause contractions in the uterine muscle which are usually followed by a big release that can ease tension.
While period sex may not be for everyone, it's sounds like a pretty great life hack if you ask me!
Orgasming can also strengthen your pelvic floor as the muscles naturally contract and relax during one which gives them a gentle workout.
Such muscles support your bladder (which lowers your chances of dealing with incontinence as you age), bowel and uterus - or prostate in men.
Also, if you've gone through the menopause then regular sex can help alleviate pain during intercourse.
Without it, your vagina can tighten and its tissues can get thinner which, in turn, make it more likely to get injured, tear or bleed during sex.
Understandably, this can end up being so uncomfortable that women with these symptoms avoid having sex - despite wanting to have it - which can make the issues worse.
Our bodies change during the menopause with many reporting vaginal dryness and irritations - two common problems of which can be treated with lubricants, moisturisers or low-dose oestrogen.
At the end of the day, your sex life is exactly that - your own! And you should feel the freedom to have as much or as little as you'd like without any external pressure to do anything you're not 100% comfortable with!