There's a specific reason why you'll likely never see a pilot with a beard.
If you're anything like me and have a good look at the pilot thats flying the plane (or maybe you've spotted a few on Hinge) you may have noticed they're not ones for facial hair.
But it's not just a coincidence after all and it actually hinges on life or death.

In case you were wondering, it's all about oxygen masks.
How does facial hair affect oxygen masks?
It's as simple as it getting in the way when you may need to opt to put the mask on.
Jack D. Films said on YouTube: "When a pilot puts on an oxygen mask during an emergency, it forms a tight seal around the face. This is crucial for supplying the right amount of oxygen.
"But if a pilot had a beard, the facial hair would prevent the mask from sealing properly - causing the oxygen to leak and potentially leading to unfortunate consequences.
"This is why you typically never see a pilot with a beard."
Is it a legal issue?
It turns out it's not quite a hard and fast rule, and more of a guidance thing.
Different airlines have different rules.
For example, American airline Delta allows its pilots to sport sideburns as long as they do not extend below the midpoint of their ear.
Moustaches must be neat and tidy and not extend beyond the corners of their mouths.
Beards are strictly forbidden by Delta as a precaution in the event of there being a 'need for an oxygen mask to maintain a good seal in the event of an emergency.'

A spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration told Thrillist: "We do not have any regulation – like a clean shaving regulation – but a lot of airlines have policies requiring pilots to have no beards or minimal beards to ensure that oxygen masks fit snugly if they’re needed.
"We require oxygen masks to be functional and airlines may take it further and require that pilots be clean shaven or have minimal beards to ensure that."
American Airlines decided on its policies as a result of some FAA guidance 1987.
At the time, they stated: "Bearded crew members should be aware that oxygen mask efficiency is reduced by the presence of facial hair," reads the document's conclusion section.
"Demand masks, such as those used in protective breathing equipment, many times cannot be donned rapidly nor seal effectively when used by bearded individuals."