In a world where we always feel that we should be definitely getting paid more, the latest figures on average salaries in the UK are sure to shock you.
We've all been raised to learn that money doesn't guarantee happiness, but in the depths of a blistering cost-of-living crisis, I'm starting to doubt that advice.
And while it's quintessentially British to avoid talking about money, it's 2024 babes, so we're getting it all out on the table.
While we plug away at our 9-5s, we've decided it's time to work out where we sit compared to the national average.
So without further ado, let's talk cash, as calculated by the brainiacs over at Forbes, who have looked at the numbers from the Office for National Statistics in order to work out the UK median salaries for different ages.

Age 18-21 – £22,932
Probable lack of experience explains the low number in this case - and usually, it rises as the worker gets older.
18-21 year olds bring in an average of £441 per week.
The silver lining of this is that it's crucial time to learn new skills that you can then demand a higher wage with.
Age 22-29 – £30,316
The average annual salary in the UK, in general, is around £34,000 a year. And it turns out 22-29 year olds are the closest to it.
We've usually brought out pre-learned skills, qualifications and gift of the gab to a role in order to secure this wage.
This boils down to £583 a week - which we have to spend on extortionate rent and the odd night out with pals to take our minds off the state of the nation.

Age 30-39 – £37,544
Things are starting to look a bit more cushty at this stage, with promotions probably having occurred by now, as well as your refusal to back down to the powers that be at the company you work for.
This is £722 per week, which is a good place to start if you're thinking about starting a family or popping the question.
Age 40-49 – £40,040
Despite probably thinking this simply had to be around £70k by now, it's actually closer to £40k - and potentially the highest we'll ever earn in our lives.
Your salary at this point, if it meets the average, works out at £770 per week.
Chances are you've secured your other half and even had a couple of kids, so why not spend what's left over from your mortgage payments on a holiday?

Age 50-59 – £37,804
According to the findings, 30-year-olds and 50-year-olds will both be earning £720 a week on average.
It's unclear why salary declines at this age compared to years gone by - but nevertheless it's enough to send us into an existential crisis.
Age 60+ – £33,852
The average salary, which is just a few grand more than you're likely to make at 22-29 years old.
Maybe the thought of a blissful retirement will be able to distract us from the fact we're bringing home just £651 a week to spend on the grandkids.