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Woman Issues Warning After Candles Set Her Bath Tub On Fire

Woman Issues Warning After Candles Set Her Bath Tub On Fire

Lucy is urging others to take extra care and buy heat-proof candles instead.

Lucy Devine

Lucy Devine

A woman has recalled the devastating moment her tea lights caught on fire after she decided to light them for a relaxing bath.

Lucy Bergman explained how she left the bathroom after her soak, before hearing an odd crackling noise coming from the room. Returning to the bathroom, she was met with thick, black smoke billowing out of the door.

Lucy was in shock when the bathroom was filled with thick smoke (
Triangle News)

Lucy, along with her flatmate, quickly evacuated and firefighters were called to tackle the blaze.

Now, the 24-year-old is urging others to be extra cautious, recommending people switch to heat-proof candles after her tea lights burned through the acrylic bath, sinking through the cladding underneath and setting the tub alight.

The fire quickly spread through the bathroom of the flat, in north London, with firefighters explaining the metal casing of a tea light can reach temperatures hotter than an over - even after they've been extinguished.

The tea light was so hot it burned through the acrylic bath (
Triangle News)

Lucy said: "I initially thought the crackling noise was my flat mate straightening her hair - maybe that was the burning smell."I opened the bathroom door and that's when a thick black smoke blew out into the hallway, so I slammed the door shut and was screaming for everyone to get out.

"Luckily we've just lost shampoo bottles and nothing major.

"My biggest fear was that the whole flat was going to go up in flames and we were going to lose everything.

"If we didn't have a second bathroom, we'd have to get temporary accommodation.

"The house needs a whole new bathroom and the stairs are ruined as well."

Lucy and her flatmate immediately evacuated (
Triangle News)

If you're lighting candles in the bathroom - or anywhere in the house - it's important to be vigilant and follow safety advice.

Fire Service advise always putting candles on a heat resistant surface, being especially careful with night lights and tea lights which get hot enough to melt through plastic.

They should also be put in a stable holder, so they don't fall over and they must always be positioned away from curtains, fabrics and furniture. It's especially important to keep them out of draughts.

Equally, do not place them under shelves or other surfaces - there needs to be at least one metre between the candle and the surface.

For a full list of guidance and advice, visit the Fire Service website.

Featured Image Credit: Triangle News

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